Errors in script on install...PHP version?

6 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 8, 2008   (RSS)

Hi all,

As a regular customer, i was excited to see CMS up and running. I've now purchased the software but i'm getting this error message:

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. The script had an error or it did not produce any output. If there was an error, you should be able to see it in the error log.

any ideas? have seen there's been problems with mysql versions but mine appears to be fine. noticed version of php is 4.4.7 - will this be causing the problems. I host with who are normally very good with any software i upload, however they have changed a lot of things recently [mad]


Re: [nikkijones] Errors in script on install...PHP version?

By Dave - December 13, 2007

CMS Builder requires PHP 5.2.0+ and MySQL 5.0.15+.

The PHP folks have actually announced the "end of life" of PHP 4 as of the end of this year ( so it's probably a good time to upgrade.

If you ask your host they may already have it installed or be able to upgrade it for you.

If you have any troubles getting things up and running let us know and we'll do whatever we can to assist. :)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Errors in script on install...PHP version?

Thanks Dave.

To be honest, the hosts still haven't replied so i've switched hosts for this one as time is of the essence. Also, one of the great things about AM was the RSS feeds. Although CMS isn't an article driven website, it would be great to have RSS feeds due to updated news sections etc. Combined with feed burner, it is a great facility, my latest client loves RSS now as their clients get emails when new content is added to their site! Is this something that can or will be added to CMS? RSS feeds that is!

Nikki [:)]

Re: [nikkijones] Errors in script on install...PHP version?

By Dave - December 13, 2007

Absolutely, RSS feeds are done just about as easy as list viewer pages. You just use XML tags instead of HTML. In fact, maybe we should add that to the code generator.

Let me know when you get to that point, and what fields you want displayed in the RSS and I'll help you get it going (if we haven't already added a code generator for it to the software already that is).
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [nikkijones] Errors in script on install...PHP version?

By Dave - January 8, 2008

Hi Nikki,

Usually it just works, but there could be something simple that needs to be adjusted. We'll have a look and let you know. If you could CC me with the FTP details ( I could take a look as well.

On the second issue. I'm going to guess that you're host moved you to a different server package when you upgraded and that the filepaths changed. When the filepaths change Job Manager and Page Publisher may show the install page again so you can re-enter the new filepaths (because they can't find their files at the old filepaths).

All the data should still be there. Just click through the install process and you should be back up and running. If you need help with that part as well just let me know.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer