Firefox 3 Issues

10 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 29, 2008   (RSS)

Re: [InHouse] Firefox 3 Issues

By Dave - June 23, 2008

Hi Jayme,

I'm running Firefox 3 with no problems so far. Try clearing your cache and reloading the page. If that doesn't work drop me an email at and I'll have a look.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Firefox 3 Issues

By InHouse - June 23, 2008

Thanks Dave! As ever your efforts in the service of your fellow geek is outstanding. Thanks to the update to TinyMCE (the latest) I can now surf happily along with Firefox 3.

... now if only you could bring back favicons and the 'open' link in the FF3 download manager... [;)]


Re: [Dave] Firefox 3 Issues

I too am running Firefox 3 and having WYSIWYG editor not showing. I followed your instructions to the other post and cleared my cache. But still not showing. A step I am missing?

Re: [steveoverby] Firefox 3 Issues

By Dave - June 25, 2008

Hi Steve,

I've attached a zip of the latest tinyMce files. Try uploading them to your /tinymce3/ folder and then clearing your cache and reloading again.

Let me know if that fixes it.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer
Attachments: 229K

Re: [Dave] Firefox 3 Issues

By rjbathgate - June 26, 2008


Had this problem in FF3 aswell, as the new tinymce pack has done the trick.


Re: [rjbathgate] Firefox 3 Issues

By InHouse - June 27, 2008

The update to the editor does help, but I'm seeing some new isues (and my clients are also reporting some).

1 - The updated WYSIWYG editor in CMSB does not always show up on screen in FF3. A forced refresh (Shift-Refresh) does solve the issue but it's annoying.

2 - My clients are reporting problems with pop-up dialog boxes such as the link editor and image manager. They are using FF2 and are unable to see the 'Insert' and 'Cancel' buttons unless they extend the bottom margin of the dialog box.
Also, the 'browse' button on the image manager is missing, and they report seeing source code instead of GUI in some pop-up windows.

I've not been able to replicate #2 on my several FF2 boxes and I'm waiting for screenshots of the source code problem to confirm their description.

Just FYI.


Re: [InHouse] Firefox 3 Issues

By Dave - June 27, 2008

Hi Jayme,

It could be caching issues while the new files are reloaded by the browser. Clearing the cache or just waiting (happens automatically) might fix it. But we'll keep an eye on it. Also, we can keep an eye for TinyMCE updates here:

We're running the latest version right now ( and they're usually pretty quick to fix things. Let me know when you get some more information or if the problems persist.

Thanks for letting us know!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Firefox 3 Issues

By InHouse - June 27, 2008 - edited: June 27, 2008

Hi Dave,

Good suggestions. I'll take these up with the client. In the meantime, this is a screenshot of what they are seeing.

SOME TIME LATER: Good news! You were right as usual Dave. A full cache clearing and FF reboot and we're back in the game. Happy days.


june-27-2008-editor01.jpg 121K

Re: [InHouse] Firefox 3 Issues

By Dave - June 29, 2008

Great to hear.

I was going to tell you that those codes are how TinyMCE does it's language translation. It has those and then replaces them with the correct language string.

This hasn't come up before, and I'm not sure the best way to avoid it in future. It might have been just this release of tinymce.

Once thing we could do is name the folder for different releases - eg: /tinymce_3.10.0.1/ to prevent caching errors. That way the files could be cached but old ones wouldn't be. There may be other issues with that approach though.

I think I'll leave it as is for now, and see if anyone else runs into anything similar. Please feel free to post on this thread if you've had a similar problem.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer