sorting numbers entered as string data

12 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 28, 2008   (RSS)

Re: [rcrofoot] sorting numbers entered as string data

By Dave - July 28, 2008

Hi Rick,

The default field types we use for CMS Builder are quite large and will likely accommodate your data.

One way to manipulate various import files is to import them into excel and then export them as something easier to work with (sometimes that's CSV).

If you need to merge 3 tables, though, you'll likely need some custom programming for that. We do lots of custom import/export scripts for CMS Builder and I'd be happy to take a look at your sample import data and let you know what would be involved.

If you want to talk about that feel free to drop me an email at
Dave Edis - Senior Developer