Get list of Section Names

7 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 2, 2008   (RSS)

Re: [dougdrury] Get list of Section Names

Anyone have any ideas?

Re: [dougdrury] Get list of Section Names

By Dave - October 1, 2008

There's nothing officially supported for this - but you could try using this code:

<?php foreach (getSchemaTables() as $table): ?>
<?php echo $table ?><br/>
<?php endforeach ?>

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Get list of Section Names

By dougdrury - October 1, 2008 - edited: October 1, 2008

Thanks Dave,
Are there methods like:
getSchemaTableNames(); or getSchemaTableTitle();

I need to be able to use the name of the table that shows up in the admin menus. Like 'My Table = my_table'.

I found the functions where you all have getSchemaTables(); and poked around to see what other methods are in there... I understand that most people would start with a static set of top level menu items, but I have a requirement to have the dynamic menu expand/sort as people add more sections. Just don't want to have to manually change the top levels to reflect new sections if I don't have to.


Re: [dougdrury] Get list of Section Names

By dougdrury - October 1, 2008 - edited: October 1, 2008

Also, is there a way to get at the order of the main sections? I know over the editor you can reorder the sections, so somewhere it should be something I can read so I can order the sections the same way?

Does CMSBuilder have a way to send add hoc SQL queries to the database? I could then just do this myself without having to setup my own mysql_query() type calls.


Re: [dougdrury] Get list of Section Names

By Dave - October 2, 2008

Have you tried setting up a category section? That has a tree like structure built in by default.

For getting the schema's sorted by order you could try getSortedSchemas() eg:

<?php foreach (getSortedSchemas() as $tableName => $schema): ?>

As far as sending ad hoc SQL queries. I had thought about adding that, but by the time you're at that point it's pretty much as easy to do it with PHP functions such as mysql_query(). If you load viewer_functions.php first, though, it will automatically connect to the database for you so you won't have to do that.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Get list of Section Names

Thanks. I will check these options out!!
