Notice: CMS Builder v1.23 Released (November 6th)

29 posts by 6 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 21, 2008   (RSS)

By Dave - November 14, 2008

Ok, let me know if it comes back.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Notice: CMS Builder v1.23 Released (November 6th)

By bruno - November 15, 2008

What's the code for adding it to the Advanced Commands menu?(../lib/menus/default/list.php?)

Here's what I tried, but I'm getting an error:

<?php if ($CURRENT_USER['isAdmin']): ?>
<option value="?menu=database&action=editTable&tableName=<?php echo $tableName ?>">Edit Section</option>
<?php endif ?>

Re: [bruno] Notice: CMS Builder v1.23 Released (November 6th)

By Dave - November 17, 2008

It's a little more complicated. I've added it to the next version. If you're comfortable editing code you can try the following changes:

Add this to /lib/menus/default/list.php to the bottom of the "Advanced Commands" pulldown:

<?php if ($CURRENT_USER['isAdmin']): ?>
<option value="editSection"><?php _e('Admin: Edit Section') ?></option>
<?php endif; ?>

Add this to /lib/menus/default/actionHandler.php below "categoryMove":

elseif ($action == 'categoryMove') { categoryMove(); }

elseif ($action == 'editSection') {
$url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
$url .= '?menu=database&action=editTable&tableName=' . urlencode(@$_REQUEST['menu']);
header("Location: $url");

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Notice: CMS Builder v1.23 Released (November 6th)

By Djulia - November 18, 2008

Hi Dave,

I have another suggestion.

It would be possible to give the possibility of choosing between wysiwyg simple or wysiwyg advanced
for the option Admin > Section > ... > Field Editor ( Capture1.gif ) ?

Thanks for your answer.



capture1_005.gif 12K

Re: [Dave] Notice: CMS Builder v1.23 Released (November 6th)

By Djulia - November 19, 2008

Hi Dave,

I would like to add buttons Save - Save & Copy - Cancel in the bottom of the modal window for Admin > Section Editors…

You can suggest me the code necessary ?

That can improve my work with the window.
I am very often obliged to go up the window to validate my changes (Capture2.gif).

Thanks for your assistance.


capture2_002.gif 11K

By aev - November 19, 2008

Agree on this, buttons both at the top and bottom would be great!


By Dave - November 19, 2008

>It would be possible to give the possibility of choosing between wysiwyg simple or wysiwyg advanced

It's a good idea. I want to give some more thought to it before I add it. In the meantime, you can add it yourself by editing /lib/wysiwyg.php

Search for "display field". The part the prints the javascript after that. You could put an if around it so it prints a different block of javascript if the field has a certain name or contains "simple", etc.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Dave - November 19, 2008

Thanks for the suggestion. I've added this to v1.24. If you're running 1.23 you use the attached file to replace:


Make a backup first, though.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

editfield_001.php 27K

By Dave - November 20, 2008

Hi Djulia,

>It will be possible in a forthcoming version to create its Preset Menu ?

When you create a new section it creates a file in /data/schema/ called new-section.ini.php.

If you copy that file to /data/schemaPresets/ it will be listed as a preset.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer