css conflict bug version 1.23

7 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 20, 2008   (RSS)

if a field is created with the Field Name as "main" and the Field Type as "wysiwyg" when one attempts to view the section in the back-end that contains this Field the display is totally out of whack

Re: [brownleather] css conflict bug version 1.23

By Dave - December 17, 2008

Hi brownleather,

Thanks for reporting that (and getting to the cause of it). It's definitely an interesting challenge because the fieldnames need to have id's but can't conflict with other divs on the page with the same id's.

What I've done for the next version is to add a "field_" prefix to the id value for wysiwygs in the html so it won't conflict. This won't change anything else but will let you name your field "main" without it conflicting with the CSS (because the wysiwyg will use the id "field_name" to reference it).

So, short answer is: fixed for the next version.

Hope that helps, let me know if you need anything else! :)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] css conflict bug version 1.23

on a different note, when will cms builder be able to accept content from site visitors? ie though a feedback form

Re: [brownleather] css conflict bug version 1.23

By ross - December 17, 2008


Glad that worked out for you :).

We actually have a simple little comment form that could work for you. It's your basic run of the mill script that lets you enter your name, email and the comment. It has a captcha to help with spam and an admin that lets you ban IP's.

It's pretty simple but it could work. Let me know what you think :).
Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [brownleather] css conflict bug version 1.23

By Dave - December 17, 2008

Hi brownleather,

There's no ETA for when that will be part of the code generator. If you know a little PHP, though, I'd attached a sample add form that lets you add records. You can use it as a base to build what you want.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

addform_003.php 3K

Re: [ross] css conflict bug version 1.23

By avrom - December 20, 2008

Hi Ross,

I'd like to see the form with the Catchpa script added in. Can you attach that to the post ?
