Member Login

7 posts by 7 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 1, 2009   (RSS)

By jcx1028 - December 5, 2008

Note: I submitted this question via email yesterday, but I figured I'd put it here as well, because if anyone else has any suggestions, I'm all ears.

In a previous post, I saw a mention of custom programming jobs for setting up a login/password system. I installed CMS Builder on my company's site the other day and everything's going smoothly with the exception of that login/password stuff. Here's what we're looking to do...

A vendor goes to a specific page on our site and is greeted by a login and password box.

Each vendor will have an individual username and password. Upon login, the vendor will be sent to a navigation page.

On that navigation page, there are buttons for accessing that specific vendor's schedules and purchase orders. Clicking upon either of these will go to a list of downloadable PDFs. But each vendor's schedules and purchase orders need to be private. Hence the usernames and passwords.

Is this (multiple users, secure sections, etc.) something that can be handled through CMS Builder? If anyone is able to provide any suggestions as to how to accomplish this, I'd like to think I could figure it out from there. If not, though, what would be required for one of the aforementioned custom programming jobs?

Re: [jcx1028] Member Login

By Dave - December 5, 2008

Hi jcx1028,

I responded via email so we can continue the conversation there.

The short answer was that yes it was possible with some custom programming. If you're comfortable with that we can either point you in the right direction or do the work for you.

Feel free to respond to my last email.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Member Login

Hi Dave,
I also require a Member Login feature using CMSB. I am currently working on 2 CMSB sites that require it with a potential for another 3. Could you enlighten me as to how the Member Login can be achieved?


Re: [IronVictory] Member Login

I'll just pipe in here.

I think the key is to see CMSB as an extremely advanced database view manager. I'll explain.

I integrated a calendar in the same way I would integrate user logins. Essentially, all a user login does is check a user's name and password against a database. If they match - set a session cookie and you're away.

Like I did with my calendar, to shortcut this process, just go get yourself a login script (from and you'll find that it comes with a user manager.

The login script will tell you which tables it looks at to authenticate a user. Simply user CMSB to create these tables. You can then manage the users from within CMSB whilst using the authentication code that you downloaded from Hotscripts (or wherever).

Does that help?

Re: [s2smedia] Member Login

By Toledoh - March 30, 2009

Hi Guys,

I would also love this feature - as I'm sure many others would. Is it something that could be added as a tutorial - or even better as a "plugin"?


Tim (

Re: [Toledoh] Member Login

By aev - April 1, 2009

Add my vote for this!
A tutorial or plugin would be great!
