Moving CMS Builder install and MySQL Database (?)

8 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 6, 2009   (RSS)

By gagester - March 27, 2009 - edited: March 27, 2009


We need to move a test site to it's new home... on a different server, with a different hosting company.

Is there documentation anywhere for how to do this? does it require assistance from the interactive tools staff? (if so, can you guys help me out? ;)

How long of a process (estimated) is this?


Re: [gagester] Moving CMS Builder install and MySQL Database (?)

By ross - March 27, 2009

Hi gagester.

Thanks for posting!

The most important question to ask when you are doing a server move with CMS Builder is, do you need to move the content as well? Or when you get to the new server, can you start fresh? That doesn't mean the sections you've set up or the pages you've coded. That is all easy to move.

I am specifically asking about the content you've added to the system and the images you've uploaded. If you aren't worried about that, server movers are really easy.

Let me know and we'll go from there. Thanks!
Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] Moving CMS Builder install and MySQL Database (?)

By gagester - March 27, 2009

Hmmmm. I'd like to preserve the content I've entered, if possible.

But it'd probably be not TOOO much work to reenter it for this site. (I'd imagine if we ever did this on future sites, we would likely want to keep the content and not have to think about reentering it.)

Could you explain the process both ways ? Both keeping entered content, and just moving the 'other stuff'? (just for future reference, though in this case i think we're fine leaving the content behind, and reentering it.)

:) thanks!

Re: [gagester] Moving CMS Builder install and MySQL Database (?)

By ross - March 27, 2009

Hi gagester.


The first step regardless is going to be installing a clean brand new copy of CMS Builder on the new server.

Once that's installed, gab everything from the old server in the "/data/schema/" folder except for the following:


Move it all over to the "/data/schemaPresets/" folder on your new server. After you move them, log into your new CMS Builder and setup all your sections again. You'll find that each section you created on the old server now has an option in the Presets drop down when you go to create.

That should be it for the first step. Once you have all that taken care of, you'll basically have a clean install of CMS Builder on your new serer that has all the same sections as CMS Builder on your older server.

The next step will involve exporting the data from you old server and then importing it all to your new server. This part could end up being a little tricky to explain as it usually relies on 3rd party scripts like phpMyAdmin or a website control panel, but for now, focus on the first step and we'll get to this later.

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] Moving CMS Builder install and MySQL Database (?)

By gagester - April 3, 2009

Hey, I need help moving on to the next steps ...

Well, i haven't recreated all the sections again... Will i have lost all the customization i did to those sections? or will that still be intact?

AND ... what do i do next? (Exporting, importing, etc...)


Re: [ross] Moving CMS Builder install and MySQL Database (?)

By gagester - April 6, 2009

Okay, great. Sounds easy enough.

So the next step... it may be easier to just copy and paste each entered item into the new site, rather than messing with exporting/importing?

I'd like to know the process anyway, (for future reference)... but it sounds a little troublesome?

thanks again!

Re: [gagester] Moving CMS Builder install and MySQL Database (?)

By ross - April 6, 2009

No problem.

Moving the data will likely end up being a little different on every server.

What you'll want to do is get a SQL dump of your CMS Builder database on the old server.

This should end up being a text file of some sort. It might be a huge textfile though.

The hardest part about this is going to be the image paths. When you upload an image to CMS Builder it stores the server path of that image in your database. This server path is going to change on your new server so you'll need to update them all in the dump. You can do it with a text editor if you like.

Once you fix the paths, it's a matter of loading the SQL dump into your new database.

What I recommend is getting the dump, making a copy of it but deleting most of the records. This way, you can focus on fixing just a few of the image paths first to make sure the adjustments are accurate.

That's about it. This step will likely take quite a while.

Let me know if that make sense :).
Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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