v1.33 Feature Requests

10 posts by 5 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 18, 2009   (RSS)

By gkornbluth - August 13, 2009 - edited: August 14, 2009

Hi Dave,

While you’re working on menus, here are a few things I’d like to see:

1) The ability for developers to modify the "Field Label" or "Field Name" for separators so instead of just seeing “header bar” or “separator 001", etc., we’d see the actual name assigned to the separator in the section editor list.

2)The ability for the client to expand the height of an upload field to make dragging a lot easier for them when there are lots of images in an upload box.

Keep up the good work.

Jerry Kornbluth

Edit: Detached and renamed thread - Dave
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Re: [gkornbluth] v1.33 Feature Requests

By Dave - August 14, 2009

Hi Jerry,

1) So if it's a "Header Bar" (not html or blank line) and it was called "My Fields" then instead of --- header bar --- it would show --- My Fields ---, is that right?

2) The upload list field should expand in height to show all the uploads up to a maximum of 600 pixels high. This should show about 12-13 uploads. How high would you like it to be able to be? And how many uploads do you have?

If we made it as high as needed to show all the uploads you still wouldn't be able to drag much further because you'd be limited by your screen height. You can experiment with different max heights by setting this line in /cmsAdmin/lib/menus/default/edit_functions.js

var maxHeight = 600;

Let me know what you think.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] v1.33 Feature Requests

Hi Dave,

Re: The Header Bar:

Yes, that's right. And could the HTML separator have a "given" name that would show in the admin modify section editor field list as well? (Right now all it says is "HTML".)

Re: Uploads:

Users can now expand the number of records displayed per page to 100 by a pull down choice, and at least in FireFox 3, they can drag a record past the screen boundary. (with a little nudging)

That's kind of the functionality that I'm suggesting for the upload box.

I don't know how many uploads a gallery might have, some galleries that I've created, ultimately have scores of uploads.

You've mentioned the change that I could make in the code as an admin before, but some of my client's would like some flexibility themselves.

Unless a user is going to be working on a group of uploads, I would suspect that most would prefer the upload box to be small and for it to expand only when necessary.

Hope that clarifies.

Does anyone else want to weigh in on these ideas, since I'm sure that once begun it will take some work to implement this type of change?

I think it should reflect a consensus of our opinions.


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Re: [gkornbluth] v1.33 Feature Requests

By Dave - August 17, 2009

Hi Jerry,

I'll put these on the feature list for an upcoming release.

We've had a few requests about the height of the uploads box. The trick is coming up with something that will work for most people.

What if we had an option where it could be either up to 600px high, or as high as needed to show all the uploads? And then we could maybe auto-expand it on focus. I'll do some research on what's practical there.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] v1.33 Feature Requests

Whatever's reasonable, as long as there's a minimum of screen real estate taken up when not working on the images.

The focus idea sounds good and it will fit in with the approach you were talking about for other stuff.


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Re: [gkornbluth] v1.33 Feature Requests

Dave -

Were it easy to implement, I wish you'd try to configure the header bars so they operated like Ajax "Accordion" style menus. Each time you click on the bar (or a little "+" symbol) the options listed below would be revealed or hidden neatly out of sight.

My reasoning for this request is that I've noticed that some clients can find an Editor page a little daunting - especially if I've tried to provide them with loads of features. The pages can also get extremely long!

If the header bars worked as I've suggested, it would be possible to control which features were hidden by default and vice-versa.



Re: [InHouse] v1.33 Feature Requests

By zip222 - August 18, 2009

I second this request...

3 - Continuing the theme: Would also be nice to have a standard external style sheet for the Admin areas. Am currently restyling as needed, but I need to keep careful notes to re-apply these styles after each update to CMSB. If there were a persistent external CSS file which was always referenced by the admin pages, we could maintain that without concern to most updates.

Re: [InHouse] v1.33 Feature Requests

By Dave - August 18, 2009


Great feedback, I've made a note of it. One of our upcoming releases is planned to be a complete UI redesign on the backend. You can help review that if you like and make sure it has all the CSS features you want.

Are you on the beta tester email list yet? If not, just email me directly at dave@interactivetools.com and I can add you.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] v1.33 Feature Requests

By InHouse - August 18, 2009

LOL! Okay, I guess I really should sign up for beta trials.