v1.33 Beta: Menu Groups and Enhancements (now closed - thanks everyone!)

18 posts by 9 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 24, 2009   (RSS)

By Dave - August 13, 2009

I've just sent out v1.33 to all the beta testers. Check for that email with download instructions. Here's some steps on creating some of the new features.

Create a text link - Click Admin > Section Editors > Add New Editor. Then select: Advanced Menus > Text Link and enter "Google" (or anything) for "Menu Name" and click Save. Then click modify on the new section and change the link url to http://www.google.com/ (or whatever you link).

Create a menu group - Click Admin > Section Editors > Add New Editor. Then select: Advanced Menus > Menu Group and enter "My Group" (or anything) for "Menu Name" and click Save.

You can drag your new group up and down the menu list. Any menu items under it will be hidden unless the menu group is open. Try clicking on the menu groups and mousing off to see how they work.

Indenting a menu option - Just click modify from the Section Editor and then check "Indent on menubar" beside the menu name. The checkbox shows for menu group sections as well but I'll remove it in beta2 as it doesn't apply.

Updating the menu colors & CSS - I've tried to make the CSS easier to custom if you want to change the menu colors for menu groups, menu items, and indented menu items. See cmsAdmin/css/ui.css for more details.

IE6 CSS Issues - We've got the new menu CSS and javascript working in every browser but IE6. If anyone has any ideas on that let me know, otherwise we'll be working on fixing that.

Let me know any bugs, comments, feedback, etc.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Deborah - August 14, 2009

The new menu system is an excellent addition!

As for IE6, the menu tested okay for me on IE6 SP2. With SP1, the menus were accessible, but the expanding feature was limited. Not a big issue, in my opinion.

All else is functioning just fine for me.

Thanks for continuing to enhance your fine product!


By Kenny - August 14, 2009

Love it! This is an awesome feature that I will be able to put to good use.

As for IE6, use browser detection and redirection. If it detects IE6, then redirect them to a page that gives them 3 options -

1. Upgrade your IE to 7 but not 8 because 8 is buggy

2. Get Firefox

3. Get Chrome

Oh how I loathe having to always have to do things 2, 3, or 4 times just to make different versions of IE happy.

Ok - I know that's not practical but one can dream... [;)]

By Dave - August 21, 2009

I've just sent beta 2 out to all the beta testers. This should be the final beta before we release.

Here's what's fixed since beta 1:
- Fixed issue where menu would sometimes revert to previous selection when mouse left menu area
- Fixed space at top of menu in IE7/8 when first item wasn't a menu group
- Fixed layout and CSS in IE6 (didn't need IE8.js compatibility library after all).
- Fixed IE javscript error on forgot your password page
- Fixed so "Indent on menubar" option doesn't show for menu groups anymore
- Fixed the html code in a few places to make it more XHTML standards compliant

Here's what's new since beta 1:
- Added code to list admin menu at top - search for $showAdminAtTop in lib/menus/header_functions.php
- Editors: Added "Disable Modify" option under section editors to prevent users from modifying records
- Accounts: Added "change" link to edit page so "Created By" user can now be changed by admins
- Plugins: Added some more plugin hooks
- Plugins: Plugins now show filename if no plugin name is defined

Let me know if you spot any major issues, otherwise we'll be on to the next release!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Dave - August 21, 2009

And now beta 3 with a small bug fix... :)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By InHouse - August 22, 2009

Hi Dave,

Please sign me as a beta tester.


Re: [InHouse] Upcoming Beta: Menu Groups and Enhancements (Sign up here!)

By Dave - August 24, 2009


I'd added you for the next beta (this one should be released shortly). Thanks!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer