Uploading large files timing out

8 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 12, 2009   (RSS)

I've found in other forums that when uploading large pdf's and jpgs in excess of about 2 or 3MB, the cms seems to be timing out and cutting the transmission. I am trying to upload a pdf 11.5MB large and every time I attempt to upload the 'iframe' window that shows the upload screen turns into the cmsb home page, so it's like a picture-in-picture of the login screen. I have to refresh the page to clear it. The recent posts explained this occurs due to a limit within the php.ini file... I believe this is the code in the php.ini file that needs to be adjusted, however below is what I've changed it to... (and I changed it in both php.ini files for phpv4 and phpv5.

; Resource Limits ;

max_execution_time = 600 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 600 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 100M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)

I've posted my entire php.ini file in a previous discussion here in case you need to see it:

John Tedesco

Creative Director

JAM Graphics

Re: [jtedescojam] Uploading large files timing out

By Dave - October 2, 2009

Hi jtedescojam,

What does it say when you go to: Admin > General Settings > Show server upload limits
(This link is just below the "Upload Folder URL" field)

Let me know and do our best to help!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Uploading large files timing out


file_uploads: Enabled
max_input_time: 600
post_max_size: 8M
upload_max_filesize: 2M

how do I change?
John Tedesco

Creative Director

JAM Graphics

Re: [jtedescojam] Uploading large files timing out

By Dave - October 5, 2009

You want to change the lowest value:

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 2M

Change it and post_max_size to 100M and then check about under Admin > General and see if the values have updated. Then try uploading a large file again.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Uploading large files timing out

Thanks Dave.. I'm waiting for my hosting provider to get back to me.
John Tedesco

Creative Director

JAM Graphics

Re: [Dave] Uploading large files timing out

So to close off this discussion properly... it WAS the hosting provider.. and they did have to increase it manually on the server end.

Here is their explanation for why it can still possibly not work:

However, you may not be able to upload files of that size, due to the maximum script execution time which is enforced on our servers. If a script does not complete, it will time out. This value can not be changed for individual users in our shared hosting environments - it could lead to resources being unfairly allocated. I am sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.

So Kenny's probably right that you would need a dedicated server in order to increase that limit.

Thank you guys for your assistance. awesome.
John Tedesco

Creative Director

JAM Graphics

Re: [jtedescojam] Uploading large files timing out

Only just found this thread, but I had exactly the same problem with a customer who wanted to upload large videos (sometimes over 50meg).

The only way around this is to use FTP because those PHP upload limits are there for a reason, but then again, you don't want to be giving your customers FTP access with which to trash your server, so I solved it in a different way.

I wrote a program that will allow the customer to upload one file at a time to a directory that you specify. This works particularly well in the wysiwyg editor because you just upload the files to the /upload/ directory and when they go to insert an image or video - the file is there waiting for them.

If anyone's interested in trying it out, please PM me. It's very beta (just testing it on a customer site today), but if it works well I think it solves a very big problem.