CSV Export v1.01 Released (more access settings)

Re: [Dave] CSV Export v1.01 Released (more access settings)

This CSV export is fantastic.. and I've added it to the CMS Builder so when someone makes a donation on the website, all of their data is posted into a multi section editor... the client then uses the export to generate an excel doc that they can import into their office software... perfect.

Only problem is, I need to customize the data that exports... I don't wan the 'num','createdDate','creatByUser','etc'... can you assist me with editing the information exported?

I'd also love it if the csvExported only what we've searched.. i.e. if there's 100 rows, to search for the information they want, and only export that.

Please let me know. thanks.
John Tedesco

Creative Director

JAM Graphics

Re: [jtedescojam] CSV Export v1.01 Released (more access settings)

By Dave - March 4, 2010

Hi jtedescojam,

Sure, you can find those features in the (just released) 1.02 version here:


Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] CSV Export v1.01 Released (more access settings)

what... did you just quickly whip this up just for me? nicely done!
John Tedesco

Creative Director

JAM Graphics

Re: [Dave] CSV Export v1.01 Released (more access settings)

By Mikey - September 4, 2012


When I add custom include fields in my csvExport Version: 1.04 / CMSB Version 2.15 and activate my plugin it stops working. When I remove the customization to include all fields it works again.

So the list below doesn't work:
$GLOBALS['CSVEXPORT_INCLUDE'] = array('num','createdDate','updatedDate','username','diamond','fullname','title','company_name','email','address','address2','city','state','country','zip_code','phone','guest_at_lodge','friday_activity','i_need_golf_clubs','i_am_right_or_left_handed','i_need_a_tennis_racket','attending_the_following_events','attending_luncheon','attending_dinner','dietary_requests','gift_policy'); // List of tables to include, leave blank for all. Example: ('news','jobs','etc')

But this does:
$GLOBALS['CSVEXPORT_INCLUDE'] = array(); // List of tables to include, leave blank for all. Example: ('news','jobs','etc')

Any suggestions on how I can get this working?
Thanks, Zick

Re: [zick] CSV Export v1.01 Released (more access settings)

By Jason - September 4, 2012

Hi Zick,

The $GLOBALS['CSVEXPORT_INCLUDE'] array is looking for a list of section names, not field names, which is why the export isn't working. If you only want to output a certain subset of the fields, you can add all the fields that you DON'T want to the $GLOBALS['CSVEXPORT_SKIP_FIELDS'] array.

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Re: [Jason] CSV Export v1.01 Released (more access settings)

By Mikey - September 7, 2012

Thanks Jason,
That got me sorted out and the csv exports are working great.