CMSB v1.37 Beta (Build 4): Signup & Feedback thread

24 posts by 9 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 25, 2009   (RSS)

By Dave - November 12, 2009

Hi everyone,

We have our first beta release of v1.37 ready (build4). We've worked out a lot of the major CSS issues. There's still a number of small design issues we're working on, but we're using this build ourselves on custom projects we're developing so it's pretty stable. (That said, backup anyways!).

The main focus of this release is a complete redesign of the admin menus. It's very modern web 2.0ish and includes multiple color themes.

There also some other fixes and changes - here's the changelog:

- User Interface: we've completely redesigned and updated the user interface

- Editors: Users with "Editor" access can now change owners of a record (also called "Created By" user)
- Editors: Text field descriptions can now contain PHP code
- Password Reminder: Added support for non-English characters in the subject line
- Plugin System: Plugins can now be organized in subdirectories under the /plugins/ directory
- Field Editor: Header separators now show the header message instead of "--- separator ---" in the field list
- Errors: The database down error page now sends a 503 "Service Temporarily Unavailable" so search engines will retry later

- Field Editor: Made 'page' a reserved fieldname (rename existing 'page' fields if needed)
- Field Editor: Fixed Input Validation: Allow/Disallow characters
- Admin: Disk Space now displays "Unavailable" instead of "Value too large for defined data type" error on unsupported servers

If you're not already on the beta tester email list and you'd like to help beta test (you must own at least 1 CMSB license) please email me at and I'll add you to the list.

I'll be sending a download link to the list shortly. And if you have any questions, suggestions, etc feel free to post!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] CMSB v1.37 Beta (Build 4): Signup & Feedback thread

By Dave - November 12, 2009

Note, we haven't added the color pulldown to the admin yet, but you can set it in /data/settings.dat.php by adding this line:

cssTheme = "green.css"

And choose red.css, green.css, or blue.css (default)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] CMSB v1.37 Beta (Build 4): Signup & Feedback thread

By zip222 - November 12, 2009

I am having an issue getting the style sheet files to load. I am only seeing the unstyled pages.

And if try to load up one of the style sheet pages directly, I get a 500 Internal Server Error. But I can see and open the style sheets files from my FTP app.

Re: [zip222] CMSB v1.37 Beta (Build 4): Signup & Feedback thread

By Dave - November 12, 2009

I'd try refreshing and clearing your cache, but if that doesn't work feel free to email me CMS login details to and I can take a look.

Note, don't post login details to the forum. Thanks!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [sagentic] CMSB v1.37 Beta (Build 4): Signup & Feedback thread

By Dave - November 12, 2009

Hi Kenny,

Thanks for the report. I'll check it out. What browser are you using? Thanks!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] CMSB v1.37 Beta (Build 4): Signup & Feedback thread

By Kenny - November 12, 2009

Firefox - but now it isn't doing it on a 2nd test site.... Let me get back to you on this one

Re: [sagentic] CMSB v1.37 Beta (Build 4): Signup & Feedback thread

By jtedescojam - November 12, 2009

Design Comment:

The new design looks gorgeous (A little inspired?). It's a very profession and clean look which I love.

I have a comment about the layout of the navigation on the left. the old version showed a dividing box between sections... the new version is just plain text. I don't mind it for the section editors outside of the menu groups, but would like to see a third style in the hierarchy so you can distinguish very quickly which menu you have open, etc... Probably not necessary, just thought it would be a good design suggestion.. SEE ATTACHMENT
John Tedesco

Creative Director

JAM Graphics

Re: [sagentic] CMSB v1.37 Beta (Build 4): Signup & Feedback thread

By Dave - November 12, 2009

Kenny, try refreshing to make sure it isn't caching the old javascript (/cmsAdmin/lib/menus/default/edit_functions.js). We had that same issue on Firefox but added some code that should work-around it.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [jtedescojam] CMSB v1.37 Beta (Build 4): Signup & Feedback thread

By Dave - November 12, 2009

Hi jtedescojam,

I'll make a note about that to see if I can add a special CSS class for that so you can style it.

The design is actually a "admin theme" that we purchased/licensed so you may see other CMS's out there with something similar. (Although I haven't seen many).

Besides saving us some time and money on the design work, another benefit of using a 3rd party "skin" is this is it provides deniability if you private label and a customer sees a screenshot of another private labeled CMSB that looks similar. Since it's a purchasable "skin" it's easy to explain. We haven't heard of that happening yet, but we're always looking to cover our bases.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer