How do I post a single item to multiple sections and merge section listings into one sorted list?

3 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 16, 2009   (RSS)

I'd like to:

- Post a single item in a section and have it appear in a list for multiple sections

- Merge lists from multiple sections into a single, sorted list

For instance, I'd like to be able to publish a news pieces in multiple sections, then merge the news pieces from those multiple sections into a single list on the home page of a website (as sort of an über feed).

Also, any way to do this and automatically generate an xml feed?

If you have plugins for CMS Builder or related posts in this forum that you're aware of please feel free to reference those as well.

Thanks in advance,


Re: [zakcoop] How do I post a single item to multiple sections and merge section listings into one sorted list?

Here is the answer to the XML generation
Ron Conring
Conring Automation Services
Software for Business and Industry Since 1987