Need to be able to ASCII and engineering files.

I need to be able to accept proprietary ASCII file uploads. The problem I have is that the file extensions are various so it is impractical to compare the files against a list of allowed extensions. For example, there are files with extensions from .s01 through .s99 also some .txt and .asc files.

Is there a way to allow all but executable files?
Ron Conring
Conring Automation Services
Software for Business and Industry Since 1987

Re: [rconring] Need to be able to ASCII and engineering files.

By Chris - February 5, 2010

Hi Ron,

You can allow all file extensions on a per-field basis by setting this in the Field Editor:

File extensions allowed: *

It's not currently possible to disallow only certain extensions while allowing all others, so you'll need to be wary of users uploading executables.

Does that help? Please let me know if you have any questions.
All the best,

Re: [rconring] Need to be able to ASCII and engineering files.

By Dave - February 5, 2010

Maybe you could set a custom upload directory in the field editor and then setup an .htaccess file so that everything in that dir got treated as text/plain regardless of extension?

It might take a bit of experimenting, though.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer