how to modify formatting of CMSB Admin section?

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 9, 2010   (RSS)

Re: [equinox69] how to modify formatting of CMSB Admin section?

By Dave - February 9, 2010

Hi equinox69,

I wouldn't say simple, but you can find all the CSS files here: /cmsAdmin/3rdParty/SimplaAdmin/css/

There's a lot going on there, though, so be sure to create a backup before you make any changes.

Also, as of 2.02 if you create a file called /cmsAdmin/custom.css it will load after all the others so you could override some of the CSS there if desired.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] how to modify formatting of CMSB Admin section?

By Codee - February 9, 2010

Thanks Dave! I "had" looked there but I opened up blue, red, and green and didn't see any font formatting SOOOO...I just went back, and "Oh Mercy Me!" there was a file called "style"! Sorry, my bad...thanks for the direction.[tongue]