Third Party TinyMCE File Managers? Can we add?

I would like to add an upload manager to the TinyMCE distro in CMS Builder. Do you all have one you recommend and have tested with CMSB?

I was looking at Lunarvis' TinyBrowser or something like that. I know that I can edit the wysiwyg.php file and make some changes to enable this, but wanted to see if anyone had successfully used one over the other.


Re: [Dave] Third Party TinyMCE File Managers? Can we add?

I was able to get the Lunarvis TinyBrowser to work. I just followed option #1 in the readme.txt file and put the changes into the wysiwyg.php file. It was pretty easy.

Re: [dougdrury] Third Party TinyMCE File Managers? Can we add?

By Dave - February 19, 2010

That's great! Glad to hear it's working and thanks for posting back to let us know. :)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer