Website Membership Plugin

Is it possible to track what specific content in the CMS each end-user has accessed (viewed)?


Re: [cidvalue] Website Membership Plugin

By Dave - February 18, 2010

It's not part of the plugin, but yes that's possible with some custom code or perhaps the Website Favorites plugin (the 'Who's Viewed Me' usage works like that, tracking which users have looked at which other users).

What information do you want to track and how do you want it displayed?
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Website Membership Plugin

Thanks Dave. I'm working with a School in Latin America and I'm trying to build for them a simple LMS. They are not interested in SCORM or any of the fancy tracking features of a traditional LMS. So I'm thinking, of using CMS Builder to create a simple site for teachers to upload class content such as PPT, PDFs, Word docs, Videos, etc. for their students to download and study remotely. The only thing in terms of tracking that they really would like to know is what students and when they accessed or visited the site so they can follow up with inactive ones.

Any ideas how I could accomplish something simple like this with CMSB? Thanks!

Re: [cidvalue] Website Membership Plugin

By Dave - February 19, 2010

Hi cidvalue,

If all you need to track is when they last logged in you can use this feature in Website Membership:

- Users with a 'lastLoginDate' date field will have that value updated every minute when logged into the website and accessing pages that include viewer_functions.php

Just create that field in the CMS under User Accounts, then add it to the list page and they can sort by last login date to see inactive users.

Note, this assumes you're using Website Membership and users are logging in that way and not through the CMS directly.

Let me know if that works for you.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Toledoh] Website Membership Plugin

By Dave - February 19, 2010

Hi Tim,

Have a look at my post above this one, but if you need more tracking it's certainly possible. The first step is just to figure out what all the details you want to track are. Let me know and I'll try and point you in the right direction.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Website Membership Plugin

By Toledoh - February 21, 2010 - edited: February 21, 2010

Hi Dave,

It's working - thanks for that!

In terms of what I'd like tracked in a perfect world? It would be great to be able to somehow get a usage report by user... dates logged in, duration, pages viewed...

This is no biggy! Just a "nice to have".


Tim (

Re: [Toledoh] Website Membership Plugin

By Dave - February 22, 2010

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the info. I'll keep it in mind for future revisions.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer