Google Maps with Geocoding

19 posts by 9 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 16, 2010   (RSS)

By JeffC - January 13, 2010

I would like to include a map on a detail page.

Each detail page needs to include 1 unique map with the address taken from a postcode (zip code) submitted by the cms user.

Can anyone assist?

Thanks in advance

Re: [Jeffncou] Google Maps with Geocoding

By Dave - January 14, 2010

Hi Jeff,

We're working on a geocoding plugin to make this easier but it's not quite ready yet. This plugin will allow distance searches and things like that.

The next best step (and often what is required anyways) is spending some time browsing the Google Maps API:

The static maps API looks promising:

After a few minutes of playing around I was able to display a map of our office location:|color:red|2730+Commercial+Dr,Vancouver,BC&sensor=false

If you can just have the Viewers display the address in place of ours in the URL that might work for you.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Google Maps with Geocoding

By Toledoh - March 14, 2010

Hi Dave,

Can you give us any more details on the timing and fucntionality in your upcoming plugin?

Tim (

Re: [Toledoh] Google Maps with Geocoding

By Maurice - March 15, 2010

hahahahaha thats funny

thought it would be complex but we did it clean and simple hahahahahha

we just made 2 section editors text boxes and get the link From Googlemaps and copy past it hahahahaha

we jused a lightbox to show the location looks need don't you think.

in a other site we are working on we id a geo locator for a iphone site. ill send you the info how to intergrate.

Greetz Mauirce

Re: [Maurice] Google Maps with Geocoding

By Toledoh - March 15, 2010

Hi Maurice.

Yeah - the showing a location via Google Maps is fine - simple enough. And easy enough to automate from the property listing.

I'm wanting to display these results in relation to where the person is currently accessing the interent, and show other points of interest (train station, shops etc).

The client is a real estate agent. I want the people looking at one house for rent, to be able to see that there is another house for rent around the corner...

Tim (

Re: [Toledoh] Google Maps with Geocoding

By Maurice - March 15, 2010

oke that can be easy 2 just use a store locator

for 10 bucs u can have all the fun hahahahaha.

hope it helped

Re: [Toledoh] Google Maps with Geocoding

By Dave - March 15, 2010

Hi Tim,

If you still need the plugin email me and I can send you a beta.

Ours is more of a collection of geocoding functions that we use for building geocoding features. So there's so functionality for automatically setting latitude/longitude anytime it exists in the CMS, for doing range searches, etc.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Google Maps with Geocoding

By Djulia - March 26, 2010

Hi Dave,

Will your plugin be soon available ?
There will be particular fields?

I am very interested!

Thanks for your answer. :)


Re: [Djulia] Google Maps with Geocoding

By Dave - March 26, 2010

Hi Djulia,

I'll send you a copy, let me know any feedback over email.

Thanks! :)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer