Moving Server: Help Needed

8 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: March 31, 2010   (RSS)

I need to move my website to another server and I need help in transferring my CMSB files and database and everything associated with it.

My main concerns are:

1. It is important that all my data remain exactly as it is presently because I have over 1000 Listings and it is almost impossible to redo all that information and images already there.

2. I need to do this transfer very quickly with as little downtime as possible because of the huge amount of visitors that depend on the information on my website.

3. Will I need to upgrade to the latest version of CMSB and if so, can I do this transfer while keeping my existing website running? For example, can I have another instance of my CMSB account created on the new server for a short time while the transfer is being done?

Thank you.

Re: [WEVOLUTIONS] Moving Server: Help Needed

By gkornbluth - March 16, 2010 - edited: March 16, 2010

Hi Wevolutions,

Some suggestions:

Please understand that I'm far from an expert at changing servers, but the following should help you to accomplish your goal without too much anxiety.

It's my understanding that you can (and should) have more than one installation of CMSB during transfers, staging, etc. I wouldn't delete any information from your old server until you're sure that things are working on the new one.

I'd suggest upgrading to the latest version of CMSB on your existing server first (BEFORE YOU UPGRADE make a backup of your database and all CMSB files and viewers. If you're in 1.34 or above, you can easily backup the database in the "admin section under the general" tab.)

*** You can not restore this database backup directly into a later CMSB version, so...

After you're sure that the new version works as expected, make another backup of your database and the files for the new version.

Don’t forget to clear your browser cache and reload any pages before deciding things are broken.

Next, install the new CMSB version on your new server using the same database name and folder names as your existing setup. Locations get tricky because different ISPs servers have different folder structures and may have a separate server for databases, but you should be able to work it through. Just keep track of any differences, because "The Devil will be in the Details"

Make sure that all the path info is correct and makes sense on the new server.

After the new install is working, set up a small test section and viewer and make sure that it works as expected.

Again, don’t forget to clear your browser cache and reload any pages before deciding things are broken.

Using the code generator, check the path to cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php in your test viewer. If it's different from that on your old viewer pages, you'll have to change them all before you copy over your existing viewers.


BEFORE PROCEEDING, make a backup copy of the cmsAdmin/data/settings.dat.php file from the NEW server. You'll need it later because it has all the setup information for your new server.

Install any cgi, javascript files, etc. and any external programs that you use on the new server.

Copy all the cmsb files, viewers, etc., from your existing server to your new server. Don’t forget to copy any hidden files that you use (.htaccess, .password, etc.) and change the contents to reflect your new server.


Re-upload that backup copy of the cmsAdmin/data/settings.dat.php file to your new server.

In the Admin General panel, on your new install, restore your latest database backup.

Cross your fingers, and your site should be up and running.

And again, don’t forget to clear your browser cache and reload any pages before deciding things are broken.

If you have any issues that you can't solve, post the specifics here on the forum.

After you're up and running and have tested the site to your satisfaction, take it live and delete the old site.

Hope these suggestions make the task easier.


Jerry Kornbluth
The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at:

Re: [gkornbluth] Moving Server: Help Needed

WOW! Thank you for that detailed description. I have a few questions though.

1. Will I need my domain name to be active on the new server to do the CMSB installation? If yes, then I will have to remove my website content until everything is transferred over.

2. How long do you think this transfer process will take? I know it will require some work on my part but I just want to have an idea how long to inform my visitors of my website's downtime.

3. Do I need to purchase a NEW License to have another version of CMSB running?

4. Can I resell my License afterwards if I do purchase it and no longer have use for it?

Thanks again for the support.

Re: [WEVOLUTIONS] Moving Server: Help Needed

Hi Wevolutions,

Good questions.

1. Will I need my domain name to be active on the new server to do the CMSB installation? If yes, then I will have to remove my website content until everything is transferred over.

Use the IP Address of your new server for all the transfer, setup and testing. Don't change over the IP address that your domain points to until after the new one is up and running.

If you leave both sites up during the propagation of the new IP address to your Domain server (usually 24-48 hours max after you put in the request) there will be no downtime as far as the visitors are concerned because they will either access the old site or the new site when they visit your domain.

You should make any content changes to both installations during the changeover process.

2. How long do you think this transfer process will take? I know it will require some work on my part but I just want to have an idea how long to inform my visitors of my website's downtime.

If you're careful and lucky, maybe an hour or two, if you run into issues, it could take longer. In any event, your visitors won't be aware of the process.

3. Do I need to purchase a NEW License to have another version of CMSB running?

It's my understanding that you don't need to buy a separate license just to transfer sites, but you would need one if you left both sites up permanently.

4. Can I resell my License afterward if I do purchase it and no longer have use for it?

See #3

Good luck...

Jerry Kornbluth
The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at:

Re: [WEVOLUTIONS] Moving Server: Help Needed

By Donna - March 16, 2010

Hi there,

I think Jerry covered most of your questions, just wanted to reiterate:

You'll probably have a temp address on your new server that you can install CMS Builder on (you don't need a dedicated IP for this, a temp address will work just fine.)

If your host doesn't offer temp addresses, you can update your "hosts" file with your new servers IP address. Check with your new host for details about that, and see this wikipedia page:

This tells your computer to ignore what the rest of the internet sees and act as though you've already updated your DNS, so you can see it working exactly how it would if you'd already made the switch. With this method, you can pretty much guarantee zero downtime, since you've already made sure it's working exactly the same on both servers.

It's okay to have two installations for a short time during server moves. Once your server move is complete and the old one is no longer being used at all, it's safe to delete it.

If you no longer need your CMS Builder license, you are welcome to resell it. As long as it's only installed in one place at a time, we're not too worried about where that one place is. :)


Re: [Donna] Moving Server: Help Needed

Thanks for the great info guys. Just a few last questions before I proceed.

1. I bought CMS Builder over a year ago and I currently have Version 1.22. Will this be difficult to upgrade because I see a lot of new features have been added since then and I hope all my data can be preserved without re-entering everything manually.

2. How do I go about upgrading? I see the cost is $100 to upgrade. Is this correct? Also can I pay someone from interactive tools to do my upgrade for me and ensure everything is done properly, thereby relieving me of some unwanted stress (lol)?

Re: [Donna] Moving Server: Help Needed

OK Guys, I got my upgrade done and I now have Version 2.03 running. I just have to confirm my new web host before I proceed with the server move. Thanks for the help so far. I will keep you posted...