Rss Feed displaying <br/>

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 9, 2010   (RSS)

Hi guys!

I have created an RSS feed using the code generator and the documentation on your site.

I am pulling our images upload field, our name field and our short description field. Everything is working great except that when someone has hit the enter key while filling out the short description field in CMS, which is a textbox field, the coding, "<br/>" appears in the RSS feed.

Obviously we do not want "<br/>" to appear in our feed all over. I do not care if the formatting is lost, like a new paragraph is not created in the feed, I just need to get rid of the ugly code in it! :)

Here is the link to the feed.
Jason Glass

Re: [rentittoday] Rss Feed displaying <br/>

By Jason - April 9, 2010


You can try using the strip_tags function where you're outputting your content. For example:

echo strip_tags($record['details'];

This will remove ALL HTML tags from that string.

Let me know if that helps.
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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