Displaying search terms

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 27, 2010   (RSS)

Hey Guys!

We are wanting to display what a user enters into certain search fields on our page. So the listings viewer page would say "Search Results for ****". Where the "****" would be the city and state that the user was searching for.

Also, the same form is on a "landing" page and a "results" viewer page so users do not have to keep hitting back to search again. We want this info to display when users use the search on either page.

Our goal with this is to then use this information to create more unique title tags for the search results pages.

How would we go about this?

Jason Glass

Re: [rentittoday] Displaying search terms

By Kenny - April 22, 2010


If all you want to do is show the keyword that was searched for you can try this:

<?php echo @$_REQUEST['content_keyword'] ?>

Replace "content" with what ever field you are searching.
