Google Checkout Button Not Working

8 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 16, 2010   (RSS)

By Dawna - June 7, 2010

I'm using Google Merchant to generate a form script for a "Buy Now" button. We've pasted the code into a WYSIWYG editor using HTML Code view. The button appears correctly but is linking back to the original .php page hosted on my site rather than through to the Google checkout. I've created a test_page.php to show the issue. How can I fix this?

Re: [Dawna] Google Checkout Button Not Working

By Donna - June 7, 2010

Hi Dawna,

Have you tested your button code on a non-CMS Builder page to make sure it works? Get it working on a separate page without any CMS Builder code on it (just a plain HTML page), then send me a link. Then we can compare the two and see what's different. :)


Re: [Donna] Google Checkout Button Not Working

By Dawna - June 8, 2010

I've done a couple things that will hopefully help problem solve. First, I pasted the Google button code using the CMS and then also pasted the Google button code on the same PHP page but not through the CMS. The Google button on the top is displayed through the CMS and the one underneath of it is outside the CMS tags on the page. The button on the bottom works. The button that's being displayed through the CMS doesn't. Go to: I have also pasted the same google button code on a plain html page at the same domain and it also works. You can see that by going to http:/

I hope this helps. :)

Re: [Dawna] Google Checkout Button Not Working

By Chris - June 8, 2010

Well, I can tell you that the reason why your CMS Builder WYSIWYG-pasted button doesn't work is that the <form action> attribute is being removed, but I can't figure out why that would be since my local copy won't filter that attribute.

What version of CMS Builder are you using?
All the best,

Re: [Dawna] Google Checkout Button Not Working

By Chris - June 9, 2010

A ha! I was able to reproduce this issue using Internet Explorer. This is, unfortunately, a limitation of the WYSIWYG component we use.

I can think of two workarounds for you:

1. Use Firefox. ;) I realize it may not be possible to get all your users who have access to editing payment buttons to use another browser.

2. Use a textbox field for your payment button and paste in HTML. You may end up needing to split your content field into two WYSIWYG fields: "before payment button content" and "after payment button content".

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any questions.
All the best,

Re: [chris] Google Checkout Button Not Working

By affinitymc - June 15, 2010

I had the same problem with a PayPal Standard button. I consider this to be a major flaw, a real drawback with clients...any chance of elevating it/listing as a bug or supplying a different WYSIWYG editor?

Re: [affinitymc] Google Checkout Button Not Working

By Chris - June 16, 2010 - edited: June 16, 2010

Hi folks,

I've done a little more research and have found a way to prevent IE from stripping the ACTION attribute. Open up cmsAdmin/lib/wysiwyg.php in a text editor and look for this line:

verify_html : false, // allow all tags and attributes

Add the line in red below it:

verify_html : false, // allow all tags and attributes
extended_valid_elements : 'form[action|accept|accept-charset|enctype|method]',

That seems to work for me! It is a little weird that all the TYPE="HIDDEN" fields show up as regular textfields in IE, but you can ignore that because they'll go back to being hidden on your website.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if anyone has any questions.
All the best,