Category Search box with dropdown

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 23, 2010   (RSS)

By design9 - July 23, 2010

I have created a search page so the front end user can search by keyword or by category for our articles. The keyword coding is fine but I cannot seem to get the dropdown with category fields to work. I need some help to figure out what is wrong with the category search. I have attached my page with code.

Here is the live page:


articlesearch.php 45K

Re: [Jason] Category Search box with dropdown

By design9 - July 23, 2010

Hi Jason,
Neither option worked for me. It is not pulling the articles that have been tagged under a specific category in the drop down list. Do you have any other ideas?


Re: [apdance9] Category Search box with dropdown

By Jason - July 23, 2010

Hi April,

It looks as if your articles are storing the category by name. If you could email me your FTP details to, I can take a look.

Hope this helps.
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Re: [apdance9] Category Search box with dropdown

By Jason - July 23, 2010

Hi April,

I found the problem. First, it turns out that the articles table stores the categories name, not the number, so I switched the drop down options to reflect that. The reason it wasn't performing the search is that, for CMS Builder to perform an automatic search, the field name has to be the same as a field in the database, so I switched the name of the name of the <select> from "article_category" to "category".

Everything should be working fine now.

Hope this helps.
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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