Very impressed with CMSBuilder

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 31, 2010   (RSS)

Hi you people at Interactivetools,

Just a line of thanks for your product and support. We're a UK based web agency called Vu online (we used to be called Link & Co.).
We're now nearing the 20th web build on the basis of your absolutely brilliant CMSBuilder!
We refer to it as "our" website engine as we can pretty much build any site with this - from simple brochure sites, to shops to complex content portals and directories. It reduces development time, creates uniform standards across our portfolio and allows us to structure our projects and support jobs in a much more efficient manner compared to developing everything from scratch. And the very best thing is that our customers love it too.

Keep it up guys - we are very impressed and love it!

Many thanks again,
Marcus Link, Director

Vu online Web Agency

Re: [linkandco] Very impressed with CMSBuilder

By Donna - August 30, 2010

Hi Marcus,

We're so glad CMS Builder is working out for you so well! That's exactly the sort of feedback we like to hear. :)

Let me know if there's anything I can do for you!
