Detail page display

6 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 10, 2010   (RSS)

Strange one - on one detail page a record which is drawn in from another section works fine but on another detail page (using same page template) this section does not display correctly - can anyone suggest why?

Not working:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /mnt/stor2-wc2-dfw1/436122/ on line 177

Working fine:


Re: [Kittybiccy] Detail page display

By Jason - September 9, 2010


I would need to actually see your code to be sure, but I think what's happening is the record your supplying for "Current Exhibition" is being selected based on the record number in the url. On the example you gave that isn't working, the last number in the URL is 2. If there isn't an exhibition record with the number 2, then it would be an empty record that your passing into your foreachloop.

You would probably want to change how you're selecting your exhibitions. Perhaps just selecting the most recent record.

Hope this helps.
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Re: [Jason] Detail page display

By Chris - September 9, 2010

Please post the complete PHP source code for your fundraising_black_swan_arts_Detail.php page. :)
All the best,

Re: [chris] Detail page display

Hi Chris,
I'll attach the page so as not to fill the thread with code!:)

Re: [Kittybiccy] Detail page display

Also forgot to add that the exhibitions (current, forthcoming, previous) are displayed using a list option and then a where clause in the php. Not sure if that makes a difference? Thanks!