Notice: CMSB Upcoming Features and Development Plan

81 posts by 36 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 31, 2012   (RSS)

By Maurice - September 11, 2010

whaaaa bomber,

2 bad but the page previews are oke but not wanted badly by our customers.


Re: [Dave] Notice: CMSB Upcoming Features and Development Plan

By Kenny - September 11, 2010

I think two small changes to the code viewer would be cool

1. Have a checkbox that allows to designate a textfield or textbox HTML free. This way the code generator automatically inserts <?php echo htmlspecialchars ($record['name']) ?> type format. Now, we have to do it manually. This will save a few seconds and mouse clicks.

2. Be able to designate a textfield as a website. Then the code would generate the statement <?php if ($record['website']): ?><?php if (!preg_match("/^http:\/\//", $record['website'])) { $record['website'] = "http://" . $record['website']; } ?>


Be able to designate a textfield as a website and it would require the http:// or designate it an email address and require the @ character. This could also be opened to almost any character if you could add a fourth option to allowed content such as, "Must Contain".


By Djulia - September 12, 2010 - edited: September 12, 2010

Hi Chris,

> I'm curious: what do you mean by an "accordian function" for long sections?
1) Often [font "Verdana"][font "Verdana"]I organize my sections in sub-sections with a Header Bar. Also, sometimes my sections can have ten sub-sections. It would be interesting to open or close the sub-sections according to the needs.

2) It would be also interesting to be able to split in columns (2, 3…) the use of the checkbox.


[] checkbox 1
[] checkbox 2
[] checkbox 3
[] checkbox 4

would give this

[] checkbox 1 [] checkbox 2
[] checkbox 3 [] checkbox 4

Thanks for the feedback. :)


Re: [Djulia] Notice: CMSB Upcoming Features and Development Plan

By Dave - September 13, 2010

Djulia and Sagentic,

Thanks for the suggestions. I've added them to the request list and we'll try to get them in the next release.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Djulia] Notice: CMSB Upcoming Features and Development Plan

By studio-a - September 14, 2010


Djulia, you read our minds! In fact, I just signed in to find a solution for this EXACT feature. No kidding. We have a client which is a rental home business and we need to include over 30 amenities (check boxes) which will add length to the admin page - makes the page look generic.

I may look into the forum for a solution, even if we had to go into the php that’s fine, but this feature will be a nice improvement!

We really like this application and we’ve been building clients’ websites with CMS Builder since version v1.34 Great work guys!



Re: [Dave] Notice: CMSB Upcoming Features and Development Plan

By zip222 - September 14, 2010

Feature request: a visual way to indicate required items in the CMS to the user.

Re: [zip222] Notice: CMSB Upcoming Features and Development Plan

By isdoo - September 15, 2010

How about drag and drop?

Instead of clicking up and down several time, it would be nice to have drag and drop on sections similar to other software.

This way the user could simply drag a section to where they wanted it to be.

Re: [Dave] Notice: CMSB Upcoming Features and Development Plan

By sidcam - September 24, 2010

How about a more elegant way to handle categories (when using CMSb for blogging).

I don't want users going into edit mode to add items to a list so I currently create seperate, single field "Categories" Section Tables for each blog which is display as a list (checkboxes) for the user when creating a blog post. Problem is, if a user decides they want a new category as they're creating a blog post they have to save their work, open up the categories section, add/save the new category record, then go back and reload their blog post.

A multi value List Option that lets users edit/add records to it or edit/add records to a second section table (which is being loaded as a list) would make things more elegant for the users.

Sid/St Louis

Re: [Dave] Notice: CMSB Upcoming Features and Development Plan

By JeffC - September 30, 2010

I'm sure I am not the first person to request a newsletter plug in. I currently use campaignmonitor which is brilliant but it would be a nice addition if I could incorporate newsletters directly into the CMS. It's just a bit clunky using two different systems

Any thoughts?