Notice: CMSB v2.07 Beta!

10 posts by 6 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 2, 2011   (RSS)

By Chris - January 26, 2011

Hi everyone,

We've just released v2.07 beta 1 (beta list members will get an email with a download link shortly).

The major new feature is the Preview Button, which lets you see how your website will look before saving your changes to a record.

There are lots of other changes, including a new "Author & Viewer" access level, an optional date picker popup for date fields, and lots of other small improvements and bug fixes. You can see a complete list of changes in the changelog.txt file.

If you're not already on the beta tester email list and you'd like to help beta test (you must own at least 1 CMSB license) please email to be added to the list.

Please post any feedback, questions or bugs you find! Thanks!

Thanks! :)
All the best,

Re: [Chris] Notice: CMSB v2.07 Beta!

By pothompson - January 27, 2011

Hi Chris,

The new software is great, I've been hoping for a preview function for a while so good to see that in there and the datepicker is a really nice feature.

Regarding the preview function, I've noticed that uploads are not part of the preview system, in that if you remove or change one, this is effective on the live site. This is not altogether surprising owing to the way uploads work but is this something you've considered? I just wonder what customers might think if they change an upload, say an image, preview it but change their mind only to find it's too late.

Thanks, Paul.

Re: [Chris] Notice: CMSB v2.07 Beta!

By aev - January 27, 2011

Hi Chris,

we get this error after installing the 2.07 beta:

Warning: ini_set(): Cannot change zlib.output_compression - headers already sent in /path/to/site/cmsAdmin/lib/init.php on line 120


Re: [Damon] Notice: CMSB v2.07 Beta!

By aev - January 27, 2011 - edited: January 27, 2011

Upgrade. (from a fresh 2.06 install..)


Re: [aev] Notice: CMSB v2.07 Beta!

By Chris - January 27, 2011

@Paul: Yes, uploads not being revisioned is a known issue. We're hoping to address this at some future time.

@aev: Can you try putting an @ symbol in front of that? Like so:

@ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0);

If that doesn't help, try removing that line entirely. Please let us know what works for you so we can fix it for the next beta.

Thanks everyone!
All the best,

Re: [Chris] Notice: CMSB v2.07 Beta!

By aev - January 28, 2011

// disable zlib.output_compression so we can output content from register_shutdown_function

@ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0);

The @ worked for supressing the error, but I don't know how to verify if the "register_shutdown_function" works as it should. Everything seems normal..


Re: [Chris] Notice: CMSB v2.07 Beta!

By Djulia - January 29, 2011

Hi Chris,

Do You think that it is possible to use the function Localize the datepicker for [font "Verdana"]date picker popup ?

Thanks ! :)


Re: [Djulia] Notice: CMSB v2.07 Beta!

By Dave - February 2, 2011

Hi Djulia,

We'll work on the localization for the next release (which should come much faster than this last one)!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [aev] Notice: CMSB v2.07 Beta!

By Dave - February 2, 2011

Hi aev,

>The @ worked for supressing the error, but I don't know how to verify if the
>"register_shutdown_function" works as it should. Everything seems normal..

It's mainly for future use, so it should be fine. Mostly we just use register_shutdown_function for catching obscure error cases. I don't see it causing any problems.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer