Website Membership Plugin and validating a user

I purchased the website membership plugin, all is great etc, but I was wondering will it be updated in the future and if so could you consider making way for a validation the user.

This can be done by when the user signs up, an email will be sent containing an encrypted link that is required to be clicked for to open the users account to be activated.



Re: [twocans] Website Membership Plugin and validating a user

By gkornbluth - March 17, 2011 - edited: March 17, 2011

Hi Kenny,

Sorry that I didn't see this earlier.

I've actually set up 2 different scenarios for membership signup.

1 where members had to pay a fee via PayPal before they could access the member sign up page. Using linklok from

The other where prospective members had to pay first (not utilizing linklok) but before they were emailed their password, an "approved" checkbox in their user record had to be checked by the admin. (This one used the emailOnApproved plugin)
Both scenarios use Captcha verification

I've documented the implementation in my CMSB Cookbook

Hope that helps,

Jerry Kornbluth
The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at:

Re: [gkornbluth] Website Membership Plugin and validating a user

By Twocans - March 17, 2011

Jerry Thank You and Happy Saint Patricks day,
I did subscribe to your book and it makes a great read, I also did purchase the membership plugin but I ended up asking for a refund for all purchases as i found all my clients would require all passwords in the database to be encrypted. [url]

I will keep my eye out for the updates in the future (as they may implement encrypted passwords) as I and many others I have chatted to in other news groups have chatted about interactivetools and all whom I have spoken to have mentioned that the password encryption is of great importance.

thanks for your reply



Re: [twocans] Website Membership Plugin and validating a user

By rez - April 13, 2011 - edited: April 13, 2011

Hello twocans. I remembered this post. If you arent already aware of it, have a look at the beta release mentioned at the top of the cmsb forum. If I'm not mistaken, I think it may address your needs. (or at least will in a couple of days and on the final release).!_P87276/

Re: [rez] Website Membership Plugin and validating a user

By Twocans - April 13, 2011

Brilliant, and thank you for letting me know. this is such an important feature and wow. lol

