Zickey Calendar - Single event issue

30 posts by 7 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 5, 2012   (RSS)

Hi Everyone

I am using the Zickey Calendar (calendar5.zip as provided by gkornbluth) and am having a problem with single events. Repetitive events work well, but single day events don't display. The only changes I made to the files provided was the viewer location.

Any ideas??
Northern Penguin Technologies

"Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic."
........Arthur C. Clarke

Re: [robin] Zickey Calendar - Single event issue

The URI is:
Northern Penguin Technologies

"Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic."
........Arthur C. Clarke

Re: [northernpenguin] Zickey Calendar - Single event issue

By Toledoh - April 4, 2011

I had the same problem. Seems to work if you choose the day as well as the start and end date?

Tim (toledoh.com.au)

Re: [Toledoh] Zickey Calendar - Single event issue

You're absolutely correct! Not only the end date, but the correct day of the week must be inserted.

Anyone have an idea how to fix this? Looks like I will need to review the code.....
Northern Penguin Technologies

"Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic."
........Arthur C. Clarke

Re: [northernpenguin] Zickey Calendar - Single event issue

By gkornbluth - April 5, 2011

Hi All,

Are you using the latest 2/2/11 version of the calendar revisions that put together?

Here's the latest recipe from the CMSB Cookbook www.thecmsbcookbook.com.

To implement the Zickey calendar, you’ll need:

A multi record editor called “events”
A viewer called “calendar5.php”
A detail viewer called “events”detail.php”
The “calendar5.css” file

You can download all the required viewer files, the.css file, the events.ini.php file*, the terms.txt file, and a copy of Zickey’s help file, instructions.rtf from:


You can see an operating calendar example at


The calendar contains sample events spanning February and November 2011 (February 3 is a single event with nothing but a start date)

***To make the calendar load the event entries from your site, the calendar5.php $dirsToCheck = array code on line 5 must be updated with your own path. You'll also need to modify the eventsDetail.php file the same way. If needed, you can find the path by opening the events editor in the CMS Builder "Code Generator".

Note: The eventsDetail.php viewer is for example only and taken directly from the CMSB code generator.

*** to create your own events editor, upload the events,ini.php file to your cmsAdmin/data/schemaPresets folder and then create the editor from the "select presets" pulldown menu
Setup is extremely simple:

1) create the “events” editor and create some test events.
2) Change the “l $dirsToCheck = array” paths and upload the calendar.php, and eventsDetail.php viewers to your server
3) Upload the calendar5.css file to your css directory

That’s it, the calendar should be fully functional.

The calendar uses a “maxwords” function to limit the amount of words shown on the calendar in the optional event description field. If you’re unfamiliar with the maxwords function you can learn more about it in the recipe, “LIMITING THE NUMBER OF WORDS SHOWN IN A PAGE”.

**** The Zickey calendar is a collaborative project, so if you make any useful changes, or add any functionality, please post your changes and additions to:


As always, after you’ve got the example working, you can add any required fields and style the pages the way you’d like.

You can download them from here:

Hope that solves the issue.

Jerry Kornbluth
The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at: http://www.thecmsbcookbook.com/trial.php

Re: [gkornbluth] Zickey Calendar - Single event issue

Jerry: I used the version you quoted above from your site, so there is still an issue with single events.
Northern Penguin Technologies

"Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic."
........Arthur C. Clarke

Re: [northernpenguin] Zickey Calendar - Single event issue

By gkornbluth - April 5, 2011


Sorry it's not working

I just re-tested a single event on another implementation of the calendar, as well as one for April 10 @ 10:00AM on http://thecmsbcookbook.com/calendar5.php and had no problems.

I filled in only the title field and the start date field with date, hours and minutes

FireFox 4, IE8, chrome10, Safari 5

Could it be something in your code for this particular implementation?

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at: http://www.thecmsbcookbook.com/trial.php

Re: [gkornbluth] Zickey Calendar - Single event issue

By sidcam - April 8, 2011

I just discovered the calendar today because of this thread (really cool, BTW, thanks).

I downloaded the files mentioned as being the most current (the link posted on April 5) and am having the same problems as others. For a record to show up on the calendar AT ALL you must have a start date, end date AND have selected the appropriate day of the week.

Only changes I made to the original files were to update the viewer info to my server and correct a few field name errors in the webpages (i.e. the terms "content" and "description" were interchanged and used for the same field (I changed everything to "description") and the eventsDetail page was calling a field named "date" which doesn't exist, so I changed it to "start_date"). I've done nothing else to the files.

One other thing to note was that when I originally tried to create a record it wouldn't save because of a field error with the field "hidden" (and I didn't write down the error message, sorry). I solved that problem by going into the editor, clicking modify, then saving (with no changes actually being made). The next time I tried to save a record I got the same error message only it was with the Start Date field. I did the same thing, then the error message was with the field Monday. Eventually I opened and closed every field then it was happy saving records. I assume there was some tiny errors in the Schema File for each field name which were fixed by this process.

Hope this helps


Re: [sidcam] Zickey Calendar - Single event issue

By gkornbluth - April 8, 2011

Hi Sid,

I'll take a look to see if I can correct the gremlins that got into the code in the zip file over the weekend.

The on-line implementation seems to work perfectly.

Meanwhile, could you post the viewer code and the php.ini for the editor you created? Then I can compare the two.


Jerry Kornbluth
The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at: http://www.thecmsbcookbook.com/trial.php