Spambot email protector in blackberry browser

10 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder: Plugins & Add-ons
Last Post: April 13, 2011   (RSS)

By rez - April 3, 2011

Can u please check the appearance of email addresses when using the email protector in a blackberry browser? I received notice that email addresses were not correct when viewing from a blackberry phone. They mentioned numbers and symbols. I dont have a blackberry at this time to check the plugin but it's the only thing I can think of since I didn't even make a mobile version of my site.

I can send a link to support if needed but figured u can check any install. If this plugin is a problem and u make a fix please post or send it my way asap.

Re: [rez] Spambot email protector in blackberry browser

By rez - April 3, 2011 - edited: April 3, 2011

Actually I remembered a friend with a blackberry. Deactivating the plugin resolves the problem. When activated, the addreses looks to him like email but are random letters.

Hope this is fixed asap as I have disabled the plug. :(
It's kind of disturbing that this is so browser dependent. I feel like it may brake in the future.

Re: [rez] Spambot email protector in blackberry browser

By robin - April 4, 2011


Could you post some details about your problem? E.g. What version of Blackberry, what you see compared to what your expected to see. We don't have a blackberry on site so more info will help us out a lot.


Re: [robin] Spambot email protector in blackberry browser

By rez - April 4, 2011

Checking now on a blackberry Tour. Last test was a Curve, and the other i'm not sure about but I'm guessing it was new considering the source.

wow...just realized after reading how the plug works last night and looking on this phone myself that the e-mail address listed are backwards like: moc.etis@eman

And the link actually still works, opening up the mail and sending to a normal looking address.

hope that helps.

Re: [rez] Spambot email protector in blackberry browser

By gkornbluth - April 5, 2011 - edited: April 5, 2011

Hi Rez,

Probably not the fix, but there's a global parameter in the plugin that causes the email address to come out backwards.

It's the one called

Try setting that to false and see if the issue goes away.

I had to set that and $GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['jsLocation'] = true; to false for a site before it would work right.

No problems since.

Jerry Kornbluth
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Re: [gkornbluth] Spambot email protector in blackberry browser

By rez - April 5, 2011

Thanks for the info Jerry, good to know :) I just hit submit to the second level support. I guess i'll wait for those guys to look around at this point.

Re: [rez] Spambot email protector in blackberry browser

By gkornbluth - April 8, 2011

Hi Rez,

Did you ever get this resolved?

Jerry Kornbluth
The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

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Re: [gkornbluth] Spambot email protector in blackberry browser

By rez - April 13, 2011

Hi Jerry. Sorry for the delay. I went back and forth with support a little and was confused. I was sent a fix and haven't been able to test on a blackberry yet but support says it's resolved in the old phones and new ones they were able to test.

They will be updating the plug.

Re: [rez] Spambot email protector in blackberry browser

Hope it works...

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