Notice: CMSB v2.08 Beta!

30 posts by 9 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 20, 2011   (RSS)

By Djulia - April 11, 2011

Hi Chris,

Thanks! It is perfect!


By Djulia - April 11, 2011

Hi Chris,

The internationalization of datePicker is always on your list?

Thanks! :)


Re: [Djulia] Notice: CMSB v2.08 Beta!

By Chris - April 12, 2011

Hi everyone,

We've just released v2.08 beta 2 (beta list members will get an email with a download link shortly.)

In addition to the changes listed in the first post above, we've fixed all the bugs that people encountered above this post, AND we have a new feature that's been requested many times on our forums:

Fields can now be set to Admin Only or Editor Only.

Please post any feedback, questions, or bugs you find!

Thanks! :)
All the best,

By gadefgaertgqe - April 13, 2011


'Fields can now be set to Admin Only or Editor Only' is probably the best news I'll hear this week! Thank you all!


By Maurice - April 13, 2011

Great job the Encryption.

if i export and import my database for some reason (move to a different server) will the encryption stay?? and won't it give problems?

Greetz Maurice

By Deborah - April 13, 2011

I really appreciate the additional access level in Field Attributes and the option for secure login.

There is a tiny typo in the Advanced Options Access Level drop-down select menu. The word 'Editor' is spelled 'Editior'.


Re: [gkornbluth] Notice: CMSB v2.08 Beta!

By Dave - April 13, 2011


As per your request to change the 25 records per list page. Do you want to change the numbers in the pulldown or just the default number shown?

I'm wondering if this would be better set on a per section basis.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Notice: CMSB v2.08 Beta!

By gkornbluth - April 14, 2011

Hi Dave,

I don't think there's a universal 'best' approach to your hard coding any specific default number of records per page to be shown.

A better approach might be a global option that was set by an admin area pulldown. That way we could set the default to the best number for the particular installation. (If the end user could still change the options as they can now, that would be icing on the cake)

I think it might be over kill (and lead to end user confusion) if the number of records per page to be displayed was an option that could be specified for each section.


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Re: [gkornbluth] Notice: CMSB v2.08 Beta!

By Perchpole - April 18, 2011

Hello, Gang -

I really like the fact that we can now (finally) switch control of certain fields to "Admin Only".

All you need to do now is devise some way of indicating this on the Section Editor screen - so we can see at a glance which fields are controlled by who at a glance.

