Suggestions With New Hosting!

5 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 14, 2011   (RSS)

By nmsinc - April 14, 2011

Having problems with current host (VERIO) very slow tech support - low memory issues with servers. Looking for suggestions on a new hosting company and suggestions on how best to move the sql databases!



Re: [Jason] Suggestions With New Hosting!

By nmsinc - April 14, 2011

I also have some older websites still using article manager and realty manager - how about moving theses databases?

Re: [nmsinc] Suggestions With New Hosting!

By Jason - April 14, 2011


Moving information from these programs is more involved since they store information in a very different way than CMS Builder. We can help you to migrate that data to CMS Builder through our consulting service. If you'd like to go over some options, please send an email to

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Re: [nmsinc] Suggestions With New Hosting!


I've been using IXWebhosting for quite a while now, mainly because their tech support (based in Ohio) is amazing.

You can call 24 x 7 and you always and only get a senior level support specialist. Someone who can really take the immediate actions necessary to help solve a problem.

Their prices are competitive, no bandwidth or storage limits and full access to all PHP and account parameters.

They’ve also got a pretty liberal affiliate program that has helped my bottom line without costing my clients anything.

I’m currently using IXWebhosting's unlimited Pro accounts to host about 15 separate clients using CMS Builder. Each client has their own account.

Check them out before making any decisions.


Jerry Kornbluth
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