Tutorial for plugin ?

Complete Plugin ! Thanks ! :)


Re: [Djulia] Tutorial for plugin ?


Could you please explain in a bit more detail how to setup the "Active" checkbox field in the User Accounts section so that it actually performs its function?

I have added the "Active" checkbox but there must be something else required to make it work, no?

Thank you,

Re: [gversion] Tutorial for plugin ?

Hello [font "Verdana"]Greg[/#000000],

The field checkbox must be named activation_email_sent in the User Accounts section :

Field Label == Active
Field Name == activation_email_sent

You have an error message ?


Re: [Djulia] Tutorial for plugin ?


I have setup the field as you suggested and the error message has disappeared.

Thank you,

Re: [gversion] Tutorial for plugin ?

Thanks Djulia.
Graphic Lingoes

Re: [Djulia] Tutorial for plugin ?

By Toledoh - August 4, 2011

Hi Djulia.

I the plugin alertSavedRecord.php version 1.00 still functional for CMSB v2.11?

I just want a simple notification to admin email for any new or modified record, but it's not working for me.

Tim (toledoh.com.au)

Re: [Toledoh] Tutorial for plugin ?

By Djulia - August 4, 2011

Hi Tim,

Yes, he works correctly for me.

Did You check that your PHP mail() function works correctly?



Re: [Toledoh] Tutorial for plugin ?

By Djulia - August 4, 2011 - edited: August 4, 2011

Can You test this version?

You must have a message which indicates that the email was sent (in bottom of the page).

That makes it possible to check if the first function works correctly.



alertsavedrecord_002.php 1K

Re: [Djulia] Tutorial for plugin ?

By Toledoh - August 4, 2011

I appreciate your help Djulia.

I've tested with this version, and see the message, but no email coming through. I have checked the email address under general settings, and have checked my server spam...

no go...

Tim (toledoh.com.au)