CMS Builder v2.12 - wysiwyg boxes stripping hyperlinks - tinyMCE issue?

11 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 9, 2012   (RSS)

Last night I upgraded from 2.01 to 2.12. When viewing the site post-upgrade it appears that all the wysiwyg boxes are stripping code. Specifically any <a href> tags. I also found that any scripts no longer functioned. This was apparent as the upgrade effectively broke all the navigation on my site - including flyout menus. The navigation became 'blank'. I had been populating the navigation via one wysiwyg entry within CMS.

I've reverted back to 2.01 (which is unfortunate but at least it's working again). While on 2.12 I attempted the steps listed in this post as I've seen that issue in previous versions, however it did not fix this issue:;search_string=tinyMCE;t=search_engine#89879

I'm assuming it has something to do with valid_elements and extended_valid_elements options in the tinyMCE.js file based on web searches, but I hesitate to change that file without checking with you to verify if you've seen this issue before and if so what the fix is.

Any insight you can provide would be helpful. Let me know what you'd have me upload regarding files (btw I left you a voicemail this morning). I want to upgrade so that we can use the membership plugin, which can't happen while running v2.01.


Re: [Jason] CMS Builder v2.12 - wysiwyg boxes stripping hyperlinks - tinyMCE issue?

Hi Jason,

I'm not sure it's unrelated per say. The navigation is pulled into each page via a 'common' section editor where I've placed the common page elements like footer info, copyrights, and navigation. Within that section editor there's a wysiwyg box called 'navigation' where all the HTML is loaded that controls the sites nav menus. That entry is pulled into each page via

<?php echo $commonRecord['navigation'] ?>

Here's what one link example for the home page looks like in the HTML Source Editor of that wysiwyg box when it's functioning 'normally' within 2.01:

<div id="homebutton"><a alt="Home" title="Home" href="/index.php"></a></div>

with 2.12 I could paste that code in, click 'update' and then even before saving if I went in to verify the code was correct I would see this:

<div id="homebutton"></div>

Thinking I may have forgotten to click 'update' I would put the code in again, click 'update' then save the entry, only to open it back up and find the 'stripped' version. I even changed around the order of the elements within the tag thinking that because it didn't see the href first it flagged it - still stripped it out.

So before even getting to the flyout issue I was having problems. I have not linked anything directly to an jquery files within the CMS folders, so I'm pretty sure that's not an issue, but I'll verify to be sure.

Everything else appeared to work fine. Images for various pages still appeared, links functioned from what I can tell, but the nav issue was so great I didn't take a whole lot of time to test other items out before restoring the working version. I'm using Firefox 7.0.1 in case that has any bearing on the issue.

I'll start on the subdomain sandbox and see if I can duplicate the issue there. Will keep you posted.


Re: [cricket7475] CMS Builder v2.12 - wysiwyg boxes stripping hyperlinks - tinyMCE issue?

By cricket7475 - October 11, 2011 - edited: October 11, 2011

Update - Here's what I've done thus far:

1. Duplicated the site in a sandbox environment.
2. Verified everything was working like the original site using CMS Builder 2.01.
3. Upgraded the CMS to 2.12. Upgrade appeared to install without issue, just like the previous attempt.
4. Checked navigation menus complete with flyouts - everything is working fine.
5. Cleared the cache.
6. Check the nav menus again - everything works fine.
7. Go into the Section Editor for the navigation and view the nav code via a wysiwyg box, and notice the <a> tags have been removed from the code.
8. Save the entry.
9. Refresh the page and all my nav is gone (as would be expected if all the links are missing).
10. Go back into the section editor, wysiwyg box in the HTML view and attempt to add the links back into the code. Click Update.
11. Save the entry.
12. Refresh the page, still no nav.
13. Go back into the section editor, and confirm that specific entries have been 'stripped'.

At this point it appears that only <a> tags contained within divs are being stripped. <a> tags within <p> tags are left alone.

As in my earlier post, the 'home' link is still being stripped, and the reason my flyouts no longer work is because that code is also being stripped from the div tags. For example:

<div id="productsbutton">
<a onmouseover="P2H_Menu('PMproductsbutton', 500, 0);" onmouseout="P2H_StartClock();"
alt="Products" title="Products" href="/products.php"></a></div>


<div id="productsbutton"></div>

I've tested other features of our site and at this point everything appears to function completely normally.


Thanks in advance,

Re: [cricket7475] CMS Builder v2.12 - wysiwyg boxes stripping hyperlinks - tinyMCE issue?

By Jason - October 12, 2011

Hi Christine,

That's pretty strange. I think to troubleshoot this further, we'll need to see the installation in action.

If you could fill out a [url]2nd Level Support Request[/url], we can take a look and try to figure out what's going on.

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Re: [Jason] CMS Builder v2.12 - wysiwyg boxes stripping hyperlinks - tinyMCE issue?

Done. Appreciate the help - thanks!

Re: [cricket7475] CMS Builder v2.12 - wysiwyg boxes stripping hyperlinks - tinyMCE issue?

By pogo - January 7, 2012

Just curious -- has this been resolved or is it still being investigated?
Best regards,
Tom Flis

Re: [pogo] CMS Builder v2.12 - wysiwyg boxes stripping hyperlinks - tinyMCE issue?

By Jason - January 8, 2012


This issue had to do with <a> tags being stripped out when there was nothing in between the tags.

For example:
<a href = ""> </a>

This is an issue with the wysiwyg editor (tiny mce). Are you experiencing this problem? Are there any further details you can provide?

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Re: [pogo] CMS Builder v2.12 - wysiwyg boxes stripping hyperlinks - tinyMCE issue?

Hi Tom,

The workaround for my particular application was to replace the wysiwyg field with a text box, and then to stick all the raw html into that text box. All of that was first tested in a sandbox environment created specifically to determine feasibility. Once we confirmed my navigation was working again in the testing environment, I applied the change to my live site and after a slight bit of tweaking it was up and running. I've since upgraded to 2.14 without any issues with the workaround.

If you're experiencing similar issues I'll be the second to say reply with any info you can - your setup details may be vastly different from mine and if this is a tinyMCE bug then the more information about it we can collect the better.


Re: [Jason] CMS Builder v2.12 - wysiwyg boxes stripping hyperlinks - tinyMCE issue?

By pogo - January 9, 2012

Hi Jason:
I'm using v2.13 and prefer to make all my changes in the HTML source editor. To "test" a styling change I insert inline style attributes into an element tag instead of making a change to the style sheet, e.g.,
<h3 style="font: oblique bold small-caps 1.5em/1.8em Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;">. I've experienced 1 or 2 instances where the styling was stripped out of a heading tag or paragraph tag (can't remember which). The work-around was to add a span element and to insert the styling into the span. If/when I encounter this again, I'll post the details. This is more of an annoyance than a problem.

Best regards,