AutoBackup 1.03 Released!

By Dave - June 21, 2011

Hello All,

We've just released a new version of AutoBackup:

NOTE: This version requires CMSB 2.10, so don't upgrade until you're on that version (currently in beta and due for release soon)

Here's what's new in 1.03
- Backup filenames now default to server IP address instead of hostname.
This prevents duplicate backup files being created when there are multiple hostnames used to access a site.
- Auto backups will no longer be created if software isn't completely installed yet.
- Fixed typo on line 13 of autoBackup.php: "last X years" is now "last X months"

The main issue we were seeing is that sites that were accessible with multiple hostnames caused multiple backup files to be created. So,, automatically created files such as:

These files all had the same content so they were confusing to users. Additionally, some automated vulnerability scanners used by hackers send fake hostnames, so sometimes you'd get a file starting with or something like that.

So now we're using $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] as the default which should give you an IP like this:

The reason to have a prefix on the backup file at all is to tell what server it came from if you have multiple servers (development and production servers).

Hope that helps! Please let us know if you have any questions or comments.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] AutoBackup 1.03 Released!

By aev - June 22, 2011

Hi Dave,

is it possible to use the "Program Name / Titlebar" field as the prefix?

If yes, how do we do that and how do we handle spaces and other special characters that might be in that field?


Re: [aev] AutoBackup 1.03 Released!

By Dave - June 22, 2011

Hi aev,

You can specify any prefix you like on this line:


And a quick hack to get the text only from the "program name / titlebar" might be:

$programNameTextOnly = preg_replace("/[^a-z]+/i", '-', $SETTINGS['programName']); // replace non-alphabetic chars with dash

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] AutoBackup 1.03 Released!

By wcd - October 26, 2011

Hi Dave Ð

Can you explain what happens when a hacker sends a fake hostname and we get a backup file using a different domain? I noticed a bunch of these on one of our client sites today, and wanted to have an answer ready in case they ask us about whether this is a security issue.

Re: [Dave] AutoBackup 1.03 Released!

By nmsinc - November 7, 2011

Hi Dave,

I have never used the backup plugin and I have several websites on one VPS machine with a single IP address, does this plugin backup all SQL files on the server or just the SQL cms_name files for the domain?



Re: [nmsinc] AutoBackup 1.03 Released!

By Jason - November 7, 2011


The plugin will only backup the MySQL tables for that particular installation. Even if you had multiple CMS Builder installations running off of the same database, the plugin would only backup the tables specific to the installation it was activated on since each installation would have a separate table prefix.

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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