Problem Uploading SWF file

13 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 18, 2012   (RSS)

By sublmnl - December 21, 2011 - edited: December 21, 2011

Odd very odd.
I create an upload filed in the editor and restricted it to a swf extension with about 13 megabytes limit.
Then I went back to the editor to upload the swf file and it failed... The CMS told me to "log back in or disable the flash uploader in the general settings..."
So I did and tried the regular uploader. Half a minute later, the modal upload window loaded the CMS within the modal.

very odd.
Need Helps guys
We're running version 2.03 on this site.
I'm using the latest Chrome on OSX 5.8

upload.png 73K

Re: [Jason] Problem Uploading SWF file

No didn't log me out.

And I'll admit this is the first time I have ever 'allowed' a client to put up their own swf content. I usually restrict the uploader to images only.

I'll try firefox and safari later tonight if I can.

Re: [sublmnl] Problem Uploading SWF file

By sublmnl - December 23, 2011 - edited: December 23, 2011

Tried Firefox and same thing happened.
Pic attached.
It doesn't log you out.

The size limit is 13520 and I set it for 1 upload only. The extension is limited to swf only. I have it set to save to a /swf/ folder on the root of the site.
The editor is a Multi-record for this section. I don't think there is anything I missed.

Would you guys like to have a look?

Looks like we have a related post

upload-ffx.png 18K

Re: [sublmnl] Problem Uploading SWF file

By Jason - December 23, 2011


If you could send in a [url]2nd Level Support Request[/url], we can take a closer look for you.

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Re: [Jason] Problem Uploading SWF file

By sublmnl - January 7, 2012

Yeah Jason, I think I'll have to fill out a request.
I got the original source videos from the client and all they had was swf and mov. So I encoded the mov but didn't want to have a flv and a swf player so I opted for a html5 video tag.
I generated a mp4 from the mov and the section editor did the same thing as before. Telling me to turn off flash uploader, did that.... then tried the ol skool upload and the modal went back to the home CMS page when finished.
Very odd.

Re: [sublmnl] Problem Uploading SWF file

By Jason - January 8, 2012


Yes, if you could fill out the support request and then provide an example file so we an re-create the problem, we'll take a closer look into this.

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Re: [sublmnl] Problem Uploading SWF file

By hk - January 13, 2012

I have the same problem by uploading a 100Mb ZIP or PDF file.
Smaller files are working - maybe it is a timing issue, but I am still loged in when the error message shows up

Re: [azurefire] Problem Uploading SWF file

By Jason - January 13, 2012


What is the error message you are getting?

A 100MB file is unusually large, so a timeout is very possible.

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Re: [Jason] Problem Uploading SWF file

By hk - January 14, 2012

Hi Jason,

The message is "log back in or disable the flash uploader in the general settings..." - with turned of Flash it does not work either. We use this feature to upload files for clients and it should work for up to 1 Gb.
