What do you wish the Code Generator did?

11 posts by 7 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: March 6, 2012   (RSS)

By Dave - February 9, 2012

Hi Guys,

We're working on an updated Code Generator for a upcoming release. One of the main goals for this release is to make it easy to add "new" code generators the same way you can add plugins.

We're going to start small and simple, but we'd like to know any changes or requests you might have.

What do you love/hate about the current Code Generator, and what do you wish it did?

Please let us know, thanks!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] What do you wish the Code Generator did?

By zip222 - February 10, 2012

Make the Expert mode moreso...
- no tabs
- no <br> tags
- no instructional comments
- no labels next to the php echos

a few other things:
- for upload fields, include the info1,info2, when they are being used
- same for thumbnails, i can never remember how to get to the second and third thumbnails when I use them
- a way to setup a standard output for date fields
- Code generator should default to "detail page" when section is a single record editor

Re: [zip222] What do you wish the Code Generator did?

Well said Zip222,

Good ideas.

Jerry Kornbluth
The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

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Re: [gkornbluth] What do you wish the Code Generator did?

Single Image Only: Many times my images are just one image, so I have a huge foreach loop for what should be just a simple task...

Could we have a single echo statemement that grabs one, or just the first image?

Viewer Code Wizard Maybe as an option (as it could get annoying) a better "wizard" for building the viewer options... for instance, the "where" section could have drop-downs populated from the table... so where [field] [== / != / LIKE etc ]

And some way of determining whether to have allowSearch true or false (I must be missing part of my brain, as I constant hit the wall here)

Tim (toledoh.com.au)

Re: [Toledoh] What do you wish the Code Generator did?

Yours too Tim,

Jerry Kornbluth
The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at: http://www.thecmsbcookbook.com/trial.php

Re: [gkornbluth] What do you wish the Code Generator did?

Hey Dave,

This has got me thinking...

Master Viewer
I quite often have an include of the main elements of the site, the code that go on all pages - like footer / default seo / navigation etc etc.

Would it be effective to have a master viewer that all files would link to, and therefore be quicker than having them on each page? Like loading the viewer library?

Display Plugins It would be handy to store various display formats somehow. For instance, I use a similar code each time I do a slideshow, or events, or news etc. Could we build our own (or suppplied) templates that the viewer code was generated into?

Tim (toledoh.com.au)

Re: [Dave] What do you wish the Code Generator did?

By Toledoh - March 5, 2012 - edited: March 6, 2012

Hey Dave,

Quite often I have a section that holds a single image... for instance, a product. That image may have thumbnails etc, but reallyu is just a single image per record.

It would be great it there was a way of inserting the image (or the first image) without the whole FOR EACH statement.

(MMM - looks like I mentioned this before... duh!)

Tim (toledoh.com.au)

Re: [Toledoh] What do you wish the Code Generator did?

By benedict - March 6, 2012

+1 for Toledoh's idea. The "where" stuff is something I'd like to execute with much greater confidence...

Viewer Code Wizard Maybe as an option (as it could get annoying) a better "wizard" for building the viewer options... for instance, the "where" section could have drop-downs populated from the table... so where [field] [== / != / LIKE etc ]

And some way of determining whether to have allowSearch true or false (I must be missing part of my brain, as I constant hit the wall here)

Re: [Dave] What do you wish the Code Generator did?

By zip222 - March 6, 2012

+1 for help with building WHERE statements