Related tables /fields

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: May 18, 2012   (RSS)

Re: [Rewmer] Related tables /fields

By Damon - May 16, 2012


It sounds like you want to have certain items from the catalogue appear on a sale page.

One simply way you could do this is by adding a checkbox to your catalogue editor in CMS Builder.

The checkbox could be called "For Sale" for example.

Then next step is you would create your For Sale page using the catalogue content but filtering it to only show any items that are checked for sale.

If this is going to work let me know and we can discuss further.

Also feel free to continue the conversation here in the forum or email me at

Damon Edis -

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Re: [Damon] Related tables /fields

By Rewmer - May 16, 2012

I see what your saying Damon.that does sound like an I would just add a checkbox for "for sale" and add a "price field"???
The only issue I can see with that is that each "clutch" on the incubator page could have upto 30 or so animals on it which all may need to be individually priced depending on coloration and other aspects.

Re: [Rewmer] Related tables /fields

By Damon - May 18, 2012

Hi again,

Now that I see you are going to have 30 animals for each clutch, I'm going to suggest CMS Builder be setup in a different way.

Think of the clutch as the category and for the animals.

So, we need a new section editor for entering all the animal details (name, images, coloration, price etc) and also a dropdown that will include all the current clutchs in CMS Builder.

Then you can choose the clutch that the animal is part of.

We have another email going so I can provide some more details via email.
Damon Edis -

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Re: [Damon] Related tables /fields

By Rewmer - May 18, 2012

Again an idea? but we have decided to keep it simple at this time and use a single record in "Available " with several upload feilds to cover each different animal from the same clutch. Next years site may be a completely different animal though...