*** Upcoming Features & Development Plan (Updated Oct 2012)

38 posts by 19 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
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Re: [Dave] *** Upcoming Features & Development Plan (Updated Oct 2012)

By gleert - October 11, 2012

Hi Dave,

Great list of planned improvements!

I would like the "Shared Asset Library" to be an option, as we use a lot of fields that don´t need this option and would translate into more clicks and more confusion for the end users.. So please make it an option!

How do you want to implement the "Improved Multi-lingual Support" ?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Re: [gleert] *** Upcoming Features & Development Plan (Updated Oct 2012)

By Dave - October 11, 2012

Hi gleert,

>I would like the "Shared Asset Library" to be an option

Absolutely, we'll find a way to keep it as simple as possible so it's not in the way for users who don't want/need it.

>How do you want to implement the "Improved Multi-lingual Support"?

There's a few issues right, there's lots of text in CMSB that currently can't be translated, there's lots of "admin menu" text that would add a lot of work for translators who don't need the admin menu translated (if there clients can see it), there's no support for translation in plugins, and no easy way for 3rd party programmers to translate strings.

We're addressing these for the next version by:
- Splitting up the language files into cms, cms admin, and plugin specific, so you don't ever have to translate more than you want to.
- We've added some instructions for programmers on some simple code they can use to make their text translatable and added option in CMSB to automatically add new text (that programmers add) to the language files
- We've added support for language files in plugins in a way that doesn't require re-writing of any plugins.

So for the next version you'll be able to translate everything, and future plugins we release will be able to be easily translated as well.

Hope that helps, let me know any questions.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] *** Upcoming Features & Development Plan (Updated Oct 2012)

By InHouse - November 9, 2012

Nice to see an ambitious list, Dave!

Fingers crossed to see this coming down the pipe in 2013.

By zaba - December 20, 2012

Just another one, looking at a better wysiwyg editor than TinyMCE, this one is smaller and leaner and visually looks more professional with good cross platform support. http://imperavi.com/redactor/

Ive no idea what the impact would be to fully replace TinyMCE, ive never liked it and it looks dated.

By dt118 - January 12, 2013

+1 Redactor

Re: [gleert] *** Upcoming Features & Development Plan (Updated Oct 2012)

By Deborah - January 30, 2013


Just wondering if the "shared asset library" as part of CMSB or as a plugin is on the near horizon.


Re: [gleert] *** Upcoming Features & Development Plan (Updated Oct 2012)

By Dave - January 30, 2013

Hi Deborah, 

Thanks for the check-in.  Shared asset library is still a ways off, to do that properly we need to rewrite the entire field libraries and that's a work in progress.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [gleert] *** Upcoming Features & Development Plan (Updated Oct 2012)

By Deborah - January 30, 2013

Thanks for the reply and explanation, Dave.

For many CMSB accounts, I have them uploading all docs to a list that displays on a web page. They can then copy/paste the document link into the WYSIWYG editor text wherever needed throughout the site. Of course, the problem is that even though I forewarn them, they forget to update all of the links when they update or delete the PDF.

I can't think of a good workaround idea, but would be interested in any suggestions. I have thought of asking a client to install/run a link checker software after making a document change, but I doubt many would follow through with that every time they update/delete a doc.

Meanwhile, the CMSB improvements with each new version release are always appreciated here.


Re: [gleert] *** Upcoming Features & Development Plan (Updated Oct 2012)

By Dave - February 7, 2013

Hi Deborah, 

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this one.  

I think even with the hypothetical media library you'd still have issues because you have users modifying or deleting the source files and we need to determine what to do when that happens.

I don't know all the requirements but the simplest way I can think of to associate or link documents that may or may not be modified or removed would be to have them in a list below the WYSIWYG.  You have have a "documents" section, and then you have a multi-value pulldown (or some other means) below your wysiwyg that lets them select documents, then dynamically load them on the viewer page.  If it would work with the page design to have the documents listed below the content there's a lot more options.

Feel free to email me direct or call and I'd be happy to get some more details and brainstorm some ideas with you.  I'm dave@interactivetools.com and we're at 1-800-752-0455.

Hope that helps!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer