Facebook Login v1.00 Released!

By Dave - October 29, 2012

Hello All,

We've just released a new plugin called Facebook Login. It let's you add a "Login with Facebook" link to your websites so users can instantly signup and login.

I've probably built hundreds of login forms over the years and this is the simplest and easiest login system we've come up with to date. It actually makes signing up and logging into a website enjoyable, which is quite a feat!

We're using it on our own site, so you can try it here (just click "Login with Facebook"):

And you can read all about the about the "Facebook Login" plugin here:

And if you haven't tried Website Membership you can find that here:


Please post any questions, comments or feedback on this thread.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Djulia] Facebook Login v1.00 Released!

By Dave - October 30, 2012

Hi Djulia,

If you can email me directly with login details I can debug that for you.

The first thing I'd check is the website membership plugin has been upgraded, as we changed some of the code so it didn't erase the entire session anymore for programmers who use the session for something else.

Either way, I'd like to improve that error message if possible. Thanks!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Djulia] Facebook Login v1.00 Released!

By Dave - October 30, 2012 - edited: October 30, 2012

Hi Djulia,

Thanks for the report, I emailed you some details on the fix, can you let me know if you run into any other issues?

Any for anyone else reading, there was a typo on the plugin page. The version of Website Membership required is 1.08, not 1.07. So if you have any problems just upgrade to the latest version.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Djulia] Facebook Login v1.00 Released!

By Dave - October 30, 2012

Hi Djulia,

And if you get this error anymore can you let me know:
>PHP Warning: session_destroy(): Trying to destroy uninitialized session in login_functions.php on line 94

And apply this fix to that line (code in red):
if (@$_SESSION) { @session_destroy(); }

Dave Edis - Senior Developer