Publishing future content
3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 12, 2013 (RSS)
By dt118 - January 12, 2013
Is there a way to schedule the Publishing and Unpublishing of content?
Thank you.
Hi dt118,
Scheduling publish and remove dates is pretty easy to accomplish by setting up 2 "special" date fields in your multti record editor, publishDate and removeDate. Then you can specify both parameters for each record.
I find itr handy to also include a check box field called neverRemove for those situations.
Here's a list of some other special fields that can be created.
These "special" fields can add functionality to your sections. Here’s the list so you won’t have to look for them.
Fieldname - Editable? - Description
createdDate - Not editable - Automatically stores the date the record was first created
createdByUserNum - Not editable - Automatically stores the 'num' of the user who created the record. This value is also used to identify
the 'owner' of the record.
updatedDate - Not editable - Automatically stores the date the record was last updated
updatedByUserNum - Not editable - Automatically stores the 'num' of the user who last updated the record.
publishDate - Editable Date Field - Record won't be displayed on website before this date. This allows users to prepare content in advance
and have it appear on a certain date and time.
removeDate Editable Date Field - Record won't be displayed on website after this date. This allows users to have content automatically
"expire" from website after a certain date and time.
neverRemove Editable - Checkbox - This checkbox field indicates that "removeDate" should be ignored. This lets users have some records that
expire (are hidden) after a certain date and other records that never expire.
hidden - Editable Checkbox - This checkbox field indicates that the record should be not be displayed on the website. This lets users
temporarily make records visible or not.
dragSortOrder - Editable - This field allows the user to drag records in the section editor record list to change their order. Just create
this field and add it as the first entry of "ListPage Fields" and "Order By" to enable this functionality.
Hope that helps,
Jerry Kornbluth
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