Warning: chdir(): Permission denied (errno 13)

4 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 10, 2013   (RSS)

By drewh01 - July 9, 2013

Does anyone know what this error message means?

We are getting it in one of the admin area when trying to "save" changes for a record.  Other parts of the admin do work when saving a record.

Warning: chdir(): Permission denied (errno 13) in /home/hummingb/public_html/cmsAdmin/lib/common.php on line 606
getAbsolutePath: Couldn't chdir() #1 - chdir(): Permission denied (errno 13)

By jenolan - July 9, 2013

It means that the 'user' running as your web server doesn't have permission (ie rwx) for the directory if your web host runs the Apache user as nobidy and you uploaded the files as your ftp username this would happen. Try changing the directory in question to permission 777 and see if taht solves the problem (if you are running most hosting system it will actually cause a 500 internal server error but this may not apply to your hosting account).


Peace and Long Life

By drewh01 - July 10, 2013

No, that did't fix it.  Dave suggested I check the paths in the Admin > General

Turned out one of the paths somehow was incorrect and after correcting it everything worked just fine.