system where the visitors of my website could be able to create their own cms builder "usernames" and "passwords", with a previously email verification.

16 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 26, 2013   (RSS)


I'm interested in a system where the visitors of my website could be able to create their own cms builder "usernames" and "passwords", with a previously email verification. the whole process must be automatic.

After the email check, after the log in, the visitors must be able to edit some selected records.

If it´s too dificult, Im willing to hire you guys.

Carlos Pinedo

Hi Carlos,

You could do this with the website membership plugin, you can read more about the plugin here:

The plugins sign up page has some code in it that would allow you to let users access certain areas of the CMS Admin area:

// set access rights for CMS so new users can access some CMS sections
      $setAccessRights = false; // set to true and set access tables below to use this
      if ($setAccessRights && accountsTable() == "accounts") { // this is only relevant if you're adding users to the CMS accounts table

        // NOTE: You can repeat this block to grant access to multiple sections
        mysql_insert('_accesslist', array(
          'userNum'      => $userNum,
          'tableName'    => '_sample',   // insert tablename you want to grant access to, or 'all' for all sections
          'accessLevel'  => '0',         // access level allowed: 0=none, 6=author, 9=editor
          'maxRecords'   => '',          // max listings allowed (leave blank for unlimited)
          'randomSaveId' => '123456789', // ignore - for internal use

The plugin would also automatically create an account for a user, including a password and send them an e-mail. The most difficult part might be creating an e-mail verification system, as this is something that doesn't come as standard with the plugin at the moment, but is something that can be added. 

If you wanted us to set up and create this system for you, it's something we could do fairly quickly. If you send an e-mail to with the exact details of what you require we can give you price.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

Hi again Greg,

I´m interested in buying the plugin, but have a few Questions

1.  Will the visitors be able to change the "user" and "password" that cmsbuilder create for them?

2. Is it posibble that you guys create the email verification system? And,

  •  Is this system going to be  be automatic (without humans)?
  • If it, is possible, do i need to buy the membership plugin.


By Maurice - August 24, 2013

Hi Carlos,

the Membership plugin is very powerful but i think what you want can't be done with the pluging.

You want each member to have access to cmsb and lets say have access to there own section in which they can edit only that section. add new sub sections.

that would be great but the plugin cant do that unless you build it.  I would love to have it.

back to your q's

1.  Will the visitors be able to change the "user" and "password" that cmsbuilder create for them?

[Answer] yes hey can

2. Is it posibble that you guys create the email verification system? And,

  •  Is this system going to be  be automatic (without humans)?
  • If it, is possible, do i need to buy the membership plugin

[Answer] yes you can and is fully automatic yes you need the plugin.

Greetz Maurice


By CarlosPinedo - August 24, 2013 - edited: August 24, 2013

Hi Maurice,

Yes, I want each member to have access to cmsb and, have access to their own section in which they can edit only that section, add new sub sections etc...

Are you shure that you guys can´t do it? I'm willing to pay the price of the system, I know it's difficult.

Carlos Pinedo

By Maurice - August 24, 2013

I'm not 100% sure.

But we have not done it yet. You can give each individual users access to a section by hand. but u can't generate a new section automaticly every time a new users fils out a form.

nice if you determine the user and give that user a predefined section template.

Greetz Maurice 


By CarlosPinedo - August 24, 2013 - edited: August 24, 2013

Hi Maurice

I'm glad there's some hope

Actually the sections are going to be developed by me. I'm going to develop 3 or 4 Multi Record editors, I want that the visitors/users only to be able to create records in those sections that I created before.

For instance, I'm going to create a section called "Environmental news", I want the visitors/users to be able to post news in this section, by creating records.

It would be easier to do it this way?

Carlos Pinedo

By Maurice - August 25, 2013

Hee Carlos,

yes it would be easier to do depending if you build a new back-end or lettem them access the cmsb back -end. we have build both way's but it was tricky.

my ultimate dream would be a form update generator, select the fields u want a user to update and the generator generates the code like now for only display fields.

Greetz Maurice 


By Maurice - August 26, 2013

Hi Carlos,

The form update generator is a wannahave from me and is not a option in CMSB.

But i would be great to have.

Greetz Maurice
