system where the visitors of my website could be able to create their own cms builder "usernames" and "passwords", with a previously email verification.

16 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 26, 2013   (RSS)

Hi Maurice,

When you said: "we have build both way's but it was tricky."  it meant that you guys built the system where the visitors can add records to a section (Multi Record editor) previously created?

And If you guys were able to do it. Do I need to send an email to in order to get a price?


Hi Carlos,

I would recommend sending an e-mail to outlining exactly what you want to create. If you're looking for a system to let users sign up and create/edit/delete custom blog and news posts it might even be quicker and easier to create a system outside of the CMS using the website membership plugin like Maurice was suggesting (unless you really want users to log in via the CMS and create and edit blog posts that way).  We can come up with a couple of different suggestions and prices.

Let me know if you have any questions.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

By gkornbluth - August 26, 2013 - edited: August 26, 2013

Hi Carlos,

Sorry I'm late to this thread.

There are lots of easy ways to allow previously verified users to log in and change their username, password or any other fields in their profile (account record)

You can also easily restrict  read, update, etc. access  to only those specific files that the user has authored, or to other files using other sets of criteria.

There are many "ready to go" recipes for implementing these types of scenarios in my CMSB Cookbook at

Take a look at the table of Contents and search for USING THE WEBSITE MEMBERSHIP PLUGIN

There are also some ideas on how to customize what a specific visitor sees when they log in to the CMSB interface.

If you can't find what you're looking for in the Cookbook, then I'd suggest the consulting route as well.

Hope that helps,

Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at:

Hi Carlos,

We have an iframe upload system that we can use for adding uploaded files to a record. It's freely available here:

So it will be fairly quick and easy to add an upload form to your blog create/edit/delete page. The more fields/sections you want a user to be able to edit, the more likely it will be that letting the user log into the CMS will be the quicker solution. At the moment it sounds like creating a custom system will be slightly quicker, but I think they're going to take a similar amount of time. 



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

Hi Greg, thanks a lot for the support.

I´m going to take my time to write the email because I don't want to leave anything without explaining.

Thanks again
