Spambot Email Protector issue

Hi Paul,

You probably need to adjust some of the settings in the email protector, if you open the spambotEmailProtector.php in your plugins directory, and try adjusting the settings to these:

// Encoding Options - to disable an encoding method set to false;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['decEntity']   = true;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['hexEntity']   = true;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['urlEncoding'] = true;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['jsUnicode']   = true;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['bdo']         = false;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['comments']    = false;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['tags']        = false;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['jsLocation']  = true;

This should remove all of the tags from the e-mail addresses and make them work when clicked on using a mail program.

Let me know if this doesn't work. 



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

By pault - September 4, 2013

Hi Greg,

Thanks so much, this works perfectly.

Regards, Paul.