Gallery - Uploads Table

7 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 8, 2014   (RSS)

Hi, Everyone -

I'm trying to create a gallery system which pulls images directly from the Uploads table. The getRecords call is fairly basic:

list($gallery, $galleryMetaData) = getRecords(array(
    'tableName'   => 'uploads',
    'where' => " tableName = 'gallery' ",
    'perPage' => 20,

By using this method I can load the uploads directly without first having to load the records to which they are attached.

The only downside is how can I filter the results using data from the parent records? For example, how would I create a "where" clause which only loads the uploads created by a particular user?



Hi Perch,

There might be an idea in this where clause that you can use to sort it out.

'where' => " createdByUserNum IN (SELECT num FROM cms_accounts WHERE (account_status LIKE '%1%' AND membership_level LIKE '%2%') ) AND  updatedDate > '$listing_age' OR (createdByUserNum IN (SELECT num FROM cms_accounts WHERE (account_status LIKE '%1%' AND (membership_level LIKE '%1%'  OR membership_level LIKE '%3%' OR membership_level LIKE '%4%' OR membership_level LIKE '%5%' OR membership_level LIKE '%6%')) ) ) ",


Jerry Kornbluth

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Hi, Jerry -

Thanks for your input. I never knew we could do so much with the "Where" clause! However, the uploads table does not have a createdByUserNum column - so I need to think of a different approach.



Hi Perch,

It would probably be easier to access the gallery table and add you're where statement there. Then loop through the gallery uploads:

  // load record from 'accounts'
  list($galleries, $galleriesMeta) = getRecords(array(
    'tableName'   => 'gallery',
    'where'       => "`createdByUserNum` = '1'",
    'loadUploads' => true,
    'allowSearch' => false,

  foreach($galleries as $gallery){
    foreach($gallery['upload_field_name'] as $upload){
      echo "<img src='{$upload['urlPath']}' alt='{$upload['info1']}' />";

If you'd rather access the uploads table directly, you could use a leftJoin to link the recordNum field to the gallery table:

  // load record from 'accounts'
  list($galleries, $galleriesMeta) = getRecords(array(
    'tableName'   => 'uploads',
    'where' => " tableName = 'gallery' ",
    'loadUploads' => false,
    'allowSearch' => false,
    'leftJoin'    => array('gallery' => 'recordNum'),

Although as getRecords wasn't designed to access the uploads table directly, I'm not 100% sure if this method will work.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

Hi, Greg -

Thanks for this. I've never used the leftJoin in a getRecords call before - but I'm now realising just how useful it might be!

In this instance, however, it doesn't quite work. The join pulls in all of the columns from the gallery table - except: createdDate, createdByUserNum, updatedDate and updatedByUserNum.

Can you explain why this happens (or doesn't happen)?




Ahhh... Yes!

Thanks for explaining.

