Query String Filter from Drop-Down Menus

12 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 1, 2014   (RSS)

By claire - December 1, 2014

Hi Perch

You don't really need to use JS to compile the query string here. It's easier to implement this as a form with three select dropdowns and a submit button.

Something like this:

<form action="" method="get">
    <select name="select1">
        <option value="v1">Value 1</option>
        <option value="v2">Value 2</option>
        <option value="v3">Value 3</option>
    <select name="select2">
        <option value="v4">Value 4</option>
        <option value="v5">Value 5</option>
        <option value="v6">Value 6</option>
    <select name="select3">
        <option value="v7">Value 7</option>
        <option value="v8">Value 8</option>
        <option value="v9">Value 9</option>
    <input type="submit" value="Search" />

This will submit the variables on the end of the URL like so:


This is on the same page, so really all you need to do is check to see if these variables appear in the $_REQUEST array and incorporate them into your where parameter in getRecords.

Does that make sense?


Claire Ryan

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Hi, Claire -

Thanks for this. Just one question, what happens if one of the values is left blank - i.e. nothing selected? Do I need to make provision for that in the code?


By claire - December 1, 2014

Hi Perch

Yes, you would. I'd do the check like this:

if(@$_REQUEST['select1'] != "") {

This checks if the select1 variable is present and actually filled in. Assuming it passes that, the if statement should contain the code to add select1 to the where parameter.


Claire Ryan

Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Assuming it passes that, the if statement should contain the code to add select1 to the where parameter.

But we're not passing the value to the where parameter!



Hang on. Scrub that. I know what you mean.


By claire - December 1, 2014

Hah, okay. If you're not sure what that should look like, copy your code in here and I can take a look.


Claire Ryan

Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Hi, Claire -

I've made some progress - but not quite nailed it! I'm trying to pass the values to the getRecords where parameter as you suggested:

'where' => $where

I'm having difficulty constructing the clause using if statements when there are multiple possibilities, such as the following query string:


I could just string a load of if statements one after another to cover every eventuality - but that seems clunky. Is there a better way?


By claire - December 1, 2014

Welcome to the wonderful world of PHP logic :) you can and will tie yourself into knots over this stuff.

Paste in the whole chunk of code here, I might know of a better way to handle it.


Claire Ryan

Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Hi, Claire -

Here's an example - based on the query string above:


It only uses 2 parameters. I want to use 3...!

if (@$_REQUEST['user'] && @$_REQUEST['category']) {
$userNum = @$_REQUEST['user'];
$catNum = @$_REQUEST['category'];
$where = " tableName = 'pages' &&  fieldName = 'gallery' && info4 = $catNum && info5 = $userNum ";
elseif (@$_REQUEST['user'] && @!$_REQUEST['category']) {
$userNum = @$_REQUEST['user'];
$where = " tableName = 'pages' &&  fieldName = 'gallery' && info5 = $userNum ";
elseif (@!$_REQUEST['user'] && @$_REQUEST['category']) {
$catNum = @$_REQUEST['category'];
$where = " tableName = 'pages' &&  fieldName = 'gallery' && info4 = $catNum ";
$where = " tableName = 'pages' &&  fieldName = 'gallery' ";    

There must be a simpler, cleaner way?!

