Web Site Comments - Emails and Links

Hello, All -

I'm having some problems with the WSC email templates. The #commentPageUrl# isn't displaying the full URL to the correct page. It's simply appending the record number to the domain name.

I'd also like to add the user's full name to the notification emails - but I can't seem to find where to start.

Can you help, please?



By claire - January 6, 2015

Hi Perch

This could be something to do with the viewer not being set in the section for comments. Is it possible for you to get to the URL normally?

Also - I think you started a thread already for the fullname thing, are you still having issues with that?


Claire Ryan

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Hi, Clare -

The URL would be made up of several factors: domain/index.php?category=recordNum

Currently it's just returning: domain/recordNum

I need to be able to construct the elements of the query string somehow.



By claire - January 6, 2015

Okay, one issue at a time. Can you reach the URL normally in the browser if you construct it yourself?


Claire Ryan

Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Yes. No problems there.

By claire - January 6, 2015

Can you attach the viewer file here?


Claire Ryan

Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Hi, Claire -

Do you mean the page on which the comments are displayed? I want the email to form a URL that links to that page. Why do you need the page code?

Please explain...



Claire -

For the record, if I include the following code on one of the pages with the comments...

<?php echo htmlencode(thisPageUrl()) ?>

It displays the correct page URL in its entirety. For some, though, this isn't being saved or passed to the email template.



Hi, Claire -

You were right. The secret is in the viewer page! I've found the code that makes the URL. Now all I need to do is clean it up!

I'll be back...!

