Web Site Comments - Emails and Links

By claire - January 8, 2015

Hi Perch, this is an encoding error. Are you using any HTML encoding or URL encoding on the links?


Claire Ryan

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Hi, Claire -

No. Nothing at all.



By claire - January 8, 2015

Hm - okay, try adding a htmlspecialchars_decode() to the link when you add it to the email. That should turn the &amp back into &.


Claire Ryan

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Hi, Claire -

OK, thanks. I'll give it a go. Any idea why this is happening?



By claire - January 8, 2015

Not offhand, no. I'd have to see the site to figure it out, and it might not be worth the effort if this is the only real issue.

Encoding problems are usually difficult to nail down, unfortunately.


Claire Ryan

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Hi, Claire -

Sorry to be a pain, but just for clarrification...

The dodgy placeholder is: #unsubscribeUrl# which is from the "SUBSCRIBER-COMMENT-ADDED" email template.

The code appears (once) in websiteComments.php in this block:

$placeholders = array(
'user.email' => @$CURRENT_USER['email'],
'user.fullname' => @$CURRENT_USER['fullname'],
'user.username' => @$CURRENT_USER['username'],
'commentPageName' => $record['pageName'],
'commentPageUrl' => $record['pageUrl'],
'commentAdminUrl' => $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['adminUrl'] . "?menu=_wsc_comments&action=edit&num=" . $commentNum,
'commentText' => @$_REQUEST['wsc_comment'],
'unsubscribeUrl' => array_value( explode('?', $record['pageUrl']), 0)

Where do I wrap the code snippet you gave me?



By claire - January 9, 2015

There might be something else going on here. Could you send in a support request email? I'll pick it up and take a look at the files directly.


Claire Ryan

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